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Black Magic True Love Spell

by Franklin Johnson
Published: Updated: 32.6K views

Black Magic True Love Spells are nothing but pure divine magic, which is why it never fails. When you decide to use a spell to find true love, follow them through mundane actions, and they will, undeniably, be successful. Using love spells is as simple as 1, 2, 3 – 1. Cast the Love Spell, 2. Follow through by mundane actions, and 3. See the result for yourself! For detailed instructions on how to cast spells, please click here.

Many times this may be the only spell you will ever need. This Black Magic True Love Spell will help you look inside your “soul” and find the block that is keeping you away from your true love. When you use this spell, you will find yourself facing your innermost fear, something like – you don’t deserve to be loved, or no one can ever love you truly or the feeling of being fat or thin or ugly – anything that you probably know or feel but never dared ask yourself. Face the negative belief or fear, the internal block, and “wash it away” with soap and water. Yes, it is as simple as that, but of course, you need to do it to believe it. And not to mention, believe in the magic of spell for it to be successful.

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Things You’ll need for the Black Magic True Love Spell

  • Black candle
  • Red candle
  • Purple candle
  • Frangipani Oil
  • Three fish bones
  • One sterile needle
  • Three drops of your blood
  • Red string, yarn, or thread
  • Leaf from a tree
  • Matches

How to Cast the Black Magic True Love Spell

Cast your circle, engrave the red candle with your initials, and anoint them with the Frangipani oil. Put the candles on your altar and align them in the following order: black, red, purple.

Light the black candle with the match, then use the flame to light the red and the purple candle.

Place the tree leaf in front of the candles.

Take the black candle into your power hand, lift it, and chant:

Stalikam Batikosti Me Be Ce.

Drip three drops of wax onto the leaf.

Repeat with the red, then the purple candle.

Now put the fish bones on top of the leaf. Next, prick your left index finger with the needle and drop three drops of blood onto the leaf.

Repeat the wax dripping part, including the chant. Start with the black candle, take it into your power hand, lift it, and chant:

Stalikam Batikosti Me Be Ce.

Repeat with the red, then the purple candle.

Now roll up the leaf and close it with the string.

Let it sit in front of the candles until they burn out.

Then bury it next to a tree.

Why use Black Magic?

While some practitioners use black magic for harmful purposes, there are others who believe it is essential to eradicate the negative energy surrounding the achievement of one’s heart’s desire.

Black magic and true love are a potent combination. The powers from black magic can be channeled to remove the presence of negative forces, such as jinxes, curses, or hexes from your path, thereby eliminating the barriers to the attraction of true love.

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James Wright February 1, 2022 - 5:21 pm

Can you cast this love spell for me? I don’t want to miss it up

I Love Spells February 10, 2022 - 12:31 am

Unfortunately, we can’t. We do not offer any spell casting services, but there are many authentic and reliable spell casters out there that will be able to help you.

Trista February 18, 2022 - 7:02 am

I did the spell, and it worked for me, but it took about a month and a half to work. And you have to pay attention to your dreams and visions about your true love.


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