Home SpellsLove SpellsBreak-up Spells Break-Up Spells to break up a couple or relationship

Break-Up Spells to break up a couple or relationship

by Cassandra McCord
Published: Updated: 137.8K views

Love doesn’t have to be painful or a battle to be with the one you desire. But sometimes, others in your life may try to make your love difficult, even impossible. And while it may seem like you can’t do anything about these outside forces, there are many ways in which you can ensure the success of your love. With a break-up spell, you can ensure that others who seek to break up your relationship are going to be thwarted at every turn. You don’t have to settle for the deviousness of others; you can take control of the situation. You can simply send the offending party away, ensuring that your relationship stays whole and unaffected.

No matter what your reasoning, break-up spells are sometimes necessary to use. By sending away people threatening to harm your relationship, you can begin to change your relationship’s future. Sending away negative energy is a positive action, and when you simply try to save your love, you are harming none.

How Break-up Spells can be Used

Break-up spells have wide-ranging uses, and if you are one of those who are particular about using spell casting for good purposes, you can use them to get rid of any inconveniences in your love life or married life.

If you feel your partner is involved in a relationship with someone else, start casting these spells to protect your relationship and love. It is very easy to use these rituals for destructive purposes, such as breaking up a relationship between two people who genuinely love each other. Don’t cast these spells for your own selfish benefit, just to harm someone. Always remember, if your intentions are evil, you can’t escape from the effect of negative energies released by doing so. But you have to decide what is more important to you. Just remember, if you use break-up spells for good purposes and without harming anyone, you will get the coveted results much faster.

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What Break-up Spells can do for You

You can use these rituals to send away people and break up any relationship that is working against your interests or is harming your relationship. They can be used to get rid of unwanted third parties, old flames that linger around, love rivals, annoying Exes, and anyone actively involved in destroying your happiness.

Some people only use these spells for breaking up their own relationship because they are very unhappy but can’t end the relationship out of fear or family pressure. If you have a friend or family member who is in an unhealthy, toxic, and self-destructive relationship, you can also use these rituals to help them with a break-up. There is no harm involved when you are not hurting anyone and are simply trying to get rid of an unhappy relationship.

At any rate, I cannot stretch enough on the fact and the importance that you should only use break-up spells for the greater good.

These spells can be very simple, and even an inexperienced person can carry them out to obtain the desired results. Many of them require only simple materials. If your need is great and your intentions are true, you can cast these spells to help yourself or others.

Using Spells to break up a Couple

These spells are highly effective, and most of them have become useful within a short period of time. There are many situations where you may have to resort to magic in order to end a relationship.

Depending on your exact circumstances,  keep in mind that a combination of love spells and break-up spells are found to bring about a maximum effect. If you want to return a lost lover or remove problems from your relationship, a series of spells are most successful. There is a difference between the so-called ‘break-up love spells’ and the ‘break-up spell.’ If you perform only a break-up spell, you can separate two people from a relationship, and whatever happens after that does not have much to do with the process of spell casting. On the contrary, ‘break-up love spells’ serve the specific purpose of separating two people, and the spell caster can get back their lost love.

Before casting the spells, always ensure that you are entirely justified in whatever you are doing, and no harm is caused to anybody. The negative energies that result from casting evil spells can come back to you with disastrous consequences that you may not have imagined.


Break-up Spell with Lemon

Break-up Spell with LemonWhether you are skilled in the art and practice of witchcraft or simply wish to expand your magical repertoire, you can try this break-up spell with lemon to divide partners if you believe that a relationship should not continue. If you wish to use this spell but do not feel ready to work with witchcraft unaided, you should seek a qualified practitioner to cast a break-up spell on your behalf. When performed correctly and at the appropriate moon phase, this spell can cause a couple to break up. Witchcraft works because it harnesses the powers of both natural and supernatural forces. Cast this Spell in the night of the Full Moon.

Things You’ll need for the Break-up Spell with Lemon

  • Lemon
  • Pictures of the couple you want to break up
  • Scissors
  • Black Candle
  • Purple Candle
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Black Pepper
  • Vinegar
  • Salt
  • Six pins or nails
  • Black String
  • Athame

How to Cast the Break-up Spell with Lemon

Cleanse and Consecrate the Candles. For extra potency, anoint the candles with some vinegar. Light your candles and do so consciously. Be aware that fire has an affinity with the spiritual realm.

Put the candles on your altar, about one foot apart—the black candle on the left side, the purple candle on the right side. Cut the lemon in half (lengthwise). Sprinkle salt, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and a few drops of vinegar onto the flesh of each lemon half. Now cut the pictures that only the faces remain. Take the first picture use one of the pins or nail to pin it face down onto the flesh of one of the lemon halves. Repeat with the other picture and the second lemon half. Next, put the lemon halves back together, secure them with the remaining pins, and tie them with the black string.


Arguments and evil fights

Heartbreak and sleepless nights

It’s getting worse and worse

Just like an evil curse

Separate ways you go

Deep in your heart you already know

Out of love with lots of hate

That’s your permanent fate

From this day on

My wish has won

I hold the lucky key

So mote it be

Let the lemon sit between the candles until they burn out, then bury the lemon in the ground as deep as you can.


Hoodoo Break-up Jar Spell

Hoodoo Breakup SpellBreak-up spells can be categorized as white magic spells or black magic spells. If you look at it from people’s perspective, who their partners have left, then break-up spells are positive magic, and it helps people. Thus it is derived from white magic. On the other hand, if you view it from the person’s point of view whose relationship is being broken, it is harmful magic and thus derived from black magic.

Use this Hoodoo Break-up Jar Spell when you feel that a couple’s relationship is truly not meant to be or is harmful in some other way. Whether you fear that the relationship may be one of abuse, or you simply feel that it is detrimental to one or both partners, you can use this Hoodoo ritual to bring an end to the relationship. Do not fear that in performing this spell, you are somehow interfering with the natural order of things, harming anyone, or using manipulative or coercive tactics to achieve your desired end.

This Hoodoo Break-up spell can help you bring positive energies into your own life and the lives of your loved ones and banish any negativity that may hinder progress and prevent you from finding that happiness that you and yours truly deserve.

What you will need for the Hoodoo Break-up Jar Spell

  • Seven Black Candles
  • One tbsp Vinegar
  • One tbsp Olive Oil
  • Sheet of paper
  • Pencil without an eraser
  • 13 needles
  • 13 nails
  • Seven pieces of broken glass
  • Two tbsp Red Pepper Flakes
  • One tbsp Black Pepper
  • Two tbsp Cayenne Pepper
  • One tbsp Poppy Seeds
  • Two tbsp Mustard Seeds
  • A handful of soil from a dark, shady place where nothing grows
  • Carving tool or Athame
  • Jar with a lid
  • Two black strings or yarn
  • Best days to perform the ritual: Tuesday or Saturday

How to Cast the Hoodoo Break-up Jar Spell

Prepare the ritual by carving the couple’s first names that you want to break up into the candle’s wax. Then mix the Vinegar with the Oil and use it to anoint the candle. Light the candle.

Sit down and write the first names of the couple you wish to break up on the paper. Turn the paper around and write down your wishes and what you want the spell to accomplish. This can be a simple sentence or specific wishes you may want to include.

Next, tear the paper in half to have two pieces with one name on each half. Look at the diagram; it shows where to tear the paper in half (dotted line). Now take each half, roll it up and tie it with a black string. Put both “rolls” inside the jar.

Hoodoo Break-up Diagram


Now add the other ingredients in the following order:

While adding the 13 nails and 13 needles, say:

These nails and needles represent the painful and permanent end of your relationship

While adding the broken glass, say:

The broken glass symbolizes the broken love, the broken bond, and the broken relationship

While adding the red pepper, the black pepper, and the cayenne pepper, say:

The peppers bring discord, arguments and fights

While adding the poppy seeds, say:

The poppy seeds symbolize the anger, miscommunication and hate that your relationship will suffer from

While adding the mustard seeds, say:

The mustard seeds symbolize all the negative feelings you will feel for each other

While adding the unfertile soil, say:

The infertile soil symbolizes that no love or positive feeling can ever grow between you again

While adding the vinegar, say:

The vinegar will turn your relationship sour and permanently preserves all the negative feelings that now plague your relationship.

Close the Jar tightly.

Shake the jar really well. While shaking the jar, focus on your wishes for the couple to break up, build up as much energy as possible.

Last Steps:

Next, sprinkle some cayenne pepper into the flame of the black candle and drip some wax onto the jar’s lid. Stick the candle to the jar.

If you want this to be a black magic spell that includes evil energies, now is the time to wish them the worst. Visualize all the evil things you want to happen. Take your time; this step is critical. It is your decision how dark you want this spell to turn. Do this for at least 30 minutes, then stop and let the candle burn out.

Repeat the last steps for the following six days, each day with a new candle. Start with anointing the candle with vinegar and sprinkling some cayenne pepper into the flame, then sticking it with some wax to the jar. Continue as described.

After the 7th and final ritual, bury the jar in a shady spot.


Freezer Break-up Spell

Freezer Breakup SpellAlthough you cannot use witchcraft spells to cause harm or manipulate others, there may still be times when you wish to bring about changes in other people’s lives using witchcraft. You can use this witchcraft freezer break-up spell in any situation where, for whatever reason, you feel that a couple should not be together. You cannot use witchcraft to alter a person’s destiny or force ideas upon anyone from the outside, so do not worry that you are being manipulative or causing harm in doing this spell. There are no negative repercussions for you.

If you feel that your lover is attracted to another person, you need not be disappointed. Cast the spell as early as possible before it is too late.

Ingredients for the Witchcraft Freezer Break-up Spell

  • One black candle that is thick enough to inscribe
  • Can of Anchovies
  • Zip Lock Bag (a plastic bag that can be closed)
  • Matches
  • Carving tool or Athame
  • Sheet of paper
  • Vinegar
  • Plastic container with a lid
  • Pencil
  • Freezer
  • Best time to cast the spell: Waning Moon Phase

How to Cast the Witchcraft Freezer Breakup Spell

For the Freezer Break-up Spell, you need to prepare the Anchovies a few days in advance. Open the can, rinse the fish in water, and put them into the zip lock bag. Let them sit in the sun for a few days so that they can rot. The longer they rot, the more potent the Break-up Spell will be. The rotten fish will cause the couple to be completely turned off from each other and feel disgusted by the other person’s body odor.

On the ritual day, start by carving the couple’s names that you want to break up into the black candle. Anoint it with vinegar or lemon juice, then light it with a match.

Sit down and write the couple’s names that you want to break up onto the paper. Write each name 13 times. Then tear the paper apart; the smaller the pieces, the better. Put all the pieces into the plastic container. Add some Vinegar and drip some candle wax into the container. Next, take the rotten fish and add it to the container. Add some water and then close it. Put the container into your freezer. Let the candle burn out completely.

Once the couple has broken up, bury the container in a shady spot.


Spell to End a Relationship

Spell to End a RelationshipThere are many reasons why you may need a break-up spell. This specific spell can be used to break up your own relationship and make your partner leave or break up your partner from an unwanted third party.

Third parties can often create huge problems for you and your partner. Great relationships can turn disastrous because of negative emotions such as anger and jealousy, difficult situations, and a lack of communication, especially when an unwanted third party is exploiting the situation. It is unfortunate to see a great couple become ruined because of petty arguments and unwanted third parties. When you utilize the powers of white magic, there is no need to have such arguments or think that your partner will ever leave you.

This spell will allow you to use the power of magic to end a relationship when a situation is unhealthy. Just as we might prune deadwood from a tree, it is sometimes necessary to prune unhealthy or harmful relationships. You can maximize the power of this white magic spell by channeling your own vision and the power of the dark or waning moon to undo a negative or hurtful relationship.

Ingredients for the Break-up Spell to End a Relationship

  • Black Candle
  • Match
  • Carving Tool
  • Three  Eggs
  • Sheet of Paper
  • Black yarn or string
  • Black Marker
  • Small Jar with a Lid
  • Two tbsp Black Pepper
  • Vinegar
  • Best time to cast the spell: Waning moon or Full Moon

How to Cast the Break-up Spell to End a Relationship

Cast Your Circle! Carve the name of the people you want to break up into the wax, then light the candle with a match.

Take the marker and write both names onto the eggshells of all three eggs. Put the eggs in front of the candle. Now, please sit down and write their names on the parchment paper. Draw a circle around the names (1 circle that includes both names).

Take the candle into your right hand and drip wax on top of the circle you have drawn around their names. While doing so, build up energy and communicate your wishes into the universe. Take your time.

Next, crack the eggs and put them into the jar, including the eggshells. Tear apart the parchment paper into tiny pieces and add them to the jar as well. Drip some wax into the jar and visualize your wishes. Add the yarn, the pepper, and some vinegar.

Close the jar and shake it really well. Continue to visualize.

Let the jar sit on your altar until the candle has burned out. Then bury it in a dark, shady spot.


To Increase Potency, add Break-up Oil or Break-up Powder to your Spells

To increase the potency of Break-up Spells, you can add Break-up Oil (also called Separation Oil) and Break-up Powder to your rituals. Add it as an ingredient, or use the Oil, the anoint candles, and the powder as incense. Please also refer to our article about using and making oils for magical purposes.

How to make Break-up Oil

Use the Break-up and Separation Oil to anoint your candles or as an ingredient in your spells. I will add potency and vigor to your magical workings.

Ingredients for the Break-up Oil and Separation Oil

Use a 2 oz base oil, then add the following:

  • The contents of three Vitamin E capsules
  • Five drops of black pepper oil
  • Three drops of sandalwood oil
  • Three drops vetiver
  • Two drops of clove oil


How to make Break-up Powder

Break-up Powder adds potency to spells and magical workings. It can be used to separate lovers, end relationships, and break up business partners, friendships, and other associations. The powder is designed to cause hate and animosity between two people and force a separation.

Ingredients for the Break-up Powder:

  • One tbsp Chili Powder
  • Two tbsp Cayenne Pepper
  • One tbsp Black Pepper
  • Two tbsp Galangal Powder
  • Two tbsp Vetivert Powder
  • Rust scrapings
  • One tbsp Cinnamon


How long does a Break-up Spell take to Work?

One of the important things to know when casting a break-up spell is how to know when it has worked. This may be self-explanatory, but there are cases where it is less clear. The time for manifestation varies from case to case and from spell caster to spell caster. Spells, in general, can take from a few days to several months to produce results. This may well depend upon the caster, the circumstances and influences surrounding their lives, and how fast the energies manifest. If your situation is complicated and complex, it will take longer. What is important is that you remain positive throughout the process allow the spell-work to go through its motion to create a favorable outcome. Please don’t give up too early; magic is not a quick fix; it’s a process.

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