Home Psychics and Divination Introduction of Dream Interpretation

Introduction of Dream Interpretation

by Dr. Thomas Robertson
Published: Updated: 4.4K views

Even though you may not always remember your dreams, some are bound to stay with you for a while. Over time, many people noticed that certain dream symbols often served as indicators of things that would happen during the following days. Today, there are many different books and other materials designed to help you understand the meaning of your dreams and how to use them to get the most out of each waking moment.

What is a Dream?

A dream is a phase that a sleeping person goes through, defined as a sequence of images that also portray some personal emotions. Often, dreams can have a significant impact on a person’s life. Sometimes they serve as warnings or instructions for an individual to follow a certain direction. In some cases, they can also predict future events in a person’s life.

Dreams can play a significant role in a person’s life. They are messages that ought not to be ignored. During deep sleep, our inner soul is sensitive to the spiritual plane, and there are often messages that need to be interpreted. Dream interpretation can benefit the person who has had the dream in various ways. Many times, dreams are symbolic and can be easily interpreted. Certain dreams bring warnings of future events in our life which we should learn to pay special attention to.

The Three Different Types of Dreams

Dreams are categorized into three types.

  • Carnal Dreams – The first type is carnal dreams that are a result of past troubles and issues that have not been dealt with properly. These are instances that can lead to fear, anger, and sadness.
  • Spiritual Prophetic Dreams – The other type is spiritual prophetic dreams sent by God and usually involve the future.
  • Confusion – The third type of dream results from a day filled with activities that led to confusion and disturbed sleep at night.

What is Dream Interpretation?

Essentially, dream interpretation seeks to break down each dream item and action into a series of symbols. From there, each symbol is used to predict what will happen during the day or even across a period of time. Depending on the nature of the dream and what is going on in your life, the interpretation may vary. For example, if you are not feeling well and dream of eating eggs that taste good, it may mean that you will feel better soon.

Why is it Important?

Dream interpretation can serve many important functions. This includes offering hidden insights about things going on in your life, solutions to problems, providing warnings, and even helping to improve your outlook on life. As you learn more about dream interpretation and work with the symbols, you will also learn a great deal about the workings of your unconscious mind. Needless to say, if you are interested in conducting magical rituals or want to tap into hidden abilities, these dreams can also help you achieve that goal.

How to Get Started

Learning Dream InterpretationIn order to get started with dream interpretation, you will need a notebook or journal to record your dreams as well as observations about the relationship between dreams and daily life. You will also need a dream encyclopedia or other resource explaining the symbolism behind each item, person, or event featured in your dream. If you cannot remember your dreams, it will help create a relevant affirmation that will be used before you go to sleep. You may also want to purchase books or other materials that will help you determine which elements of a dream are most important and how to form a complete interpretation.

What is the Best Way to Interpret Dreams?

Overall, you will be best served by making a note of each dream and how you felt afterward. While you look at symbols and meanings created by others, you should also see how you feel about each meaning in relation to the dream.   You should also be prepared to change your interpretation methods over time. This will give you a chance to observe how accurate the interpretations are in relation to waking life and make changes that will offer more benefit. During this process, you may discover that your dream interpretations vary significantly from those provided by encyclopedias and other sources. As long as your own meanings work for you, then you should use them instead.

There is no question that dreams play an enormously important role in daily life as well as in communities. Aside from shaping your entire day, they can also lead to stunning changes at all levels. Whether the dreamer is a world-famous figure or someone who goes unnoticed in a community, you truly never know what will happen once the dream interpretation and associated information are used.   Therefore, if you are looking for a divinatory method and a path to making changes in life, dream interpretation offers many advantages.

Understanding Dreams and Interpreting them Right

Understanding DreamsThe key to understanding dreams is to interpret them right. The process of assigning meanings to dreams is known as dream interpretation. Scientific research has played an essential role in dream interpretation. It delves into the cause of dreams, the purpose, the frequencies of dreams, and the relationship between dreams and depression.

According to Calvin S. Hall, who developed a theory of dreams, dreaming is a cognitive process, a thought or a sequence of thoughts that occur during sleep. A person who dreams of being attacked by friends may be a manifestation of a fear of friendship. However, Sigmund Freud had a different concept. According to Freud, dreams were the fulfillment of wishes, whether conscious or not. Only a deep understanding of the structure of the dream can help find an explanation.

Dreams are considered to reflect our feelings, thoughts, and attitude. Through dream interpretation, we can discover specific behavioral patterns about ourselves that need to be closely examined. We can learn to resolve problems and even relate to specific people through these interpretations. Dreams can show us new directions and provide us with intuitive information that can be acted upon.

The right brain is considered a vehicle for our dreams which come to us as feelings, images, intuitive knowledge, and metaphors. Dream interpretation is more of a science that can help us get valuable information about ourselves. There are dream interpreters to help you decipher the meaning of your dreams. Being a complicated science, you need to pay close attention to your dreams and even use a dream dictionary to help speed up the learning process.

The History of Dream Interpretation

It is believed that dream interpretation dates as far back as 4000 BCE. Dreams, in fact, have always been a part of human existence. The ancient Greek and Egyptian societies employed people who interpreted the dreams of others, and priests were used to interpret dreams regularly. There are records from the Bible of people remembering and acting on the meaning of their dreams. Christians of old believed that dreams were messages from God, taking these messages very seriously. There are ancient hieroglyphics that talk about dreams and their interpretation. Most cultures have put a great deal of weight on dreams and their meaning.

Dream Interpretation in different Cultures

The ancient Greeks built temples for sick people, and dream interpretation was used as a form of healing. The dreams that were had while the sick person was in the temple were said to have a great deal of meaning. Books on dream interpretation existed as early as the second century AD. Artemidorus wrote a book in 2 AD on the interpretation and believed that dreams could foretell the future. Freud believed in dream interpretation and used it as part of his psychoanalysis.

The ancient Chinese cultures believed in the interpretation as well. They posed questions such as how we know we are dreaming instead of being awake? Is dreaming real, and is it really actually dreaming? They ask themselves these questions as a part of dream interpretation.

It became popular in Europe in the latter part of the 19th century. It was used in psychoanalysis as part of the therapeutic process when Freud wrote “The Interpretation of Dreams”.

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