Home SpellsLove SpellsAttraction Spells Egyptian Love Spells – How to Cast them Successfully

Egyptian Love Spells – How to Cast them Successfully

by Cassandra McCord
Published: Updated: 46K views

Witchcraft differs and varies with every region and imbibes every region’s traditions, beliefs, and practices within the craft and culminates in becoming unique to that particular region.

Magic, though, has a consistent grounding throughout; the way it’s practiced and applied changes with people. And that is just exactly how even Egyptian witchcraft came into being.

Egyptian magic is distinct and a highly acclaimed form of witchcraft practiced by people far and wide.

The Principals of Egyptian Magic

According to Egyptian mythology, the creator created the world using magic as one of the many forces, or as they called it, heka. Magic was a big part of almost all aspects of ancient Egyptian life. Rather, magic was their way of life.

For them, magic was a means of gaining knowledge about God and nature and gaining control over all phenomena much bigger and much more powerful than man, everything supernatural. Unlike today, in ancient times, the Egyptians lived in harmony with nature and had everything they did resonate with nature. So, for them, controlling nature to meet their own needs and demands became a requisite and a matter of their survival in a matter of time, and they derived ways in the form of magic with spells and rites.

Even magic, which seems like a mix of random spells and rituals to some of us in Egypt, was performed in accordance with stringent rules and conditions. Like dawn was considered a highly propitious period for magic spells to work. The magician needed to be pure in a ritualistic sense by abstaining from performing sex before the right time or not having any contact with “polluted” people like menstruating women or embalmers. Only after having done so could they be regarded as ready to perform a magic spell. It was the priests who mainly practiced and applied magic in Pharaonic Egypt.

No matter where you go in the world, people are bound to be interested in love, fertility, and raising children. In fact, it can be said that successfully producing and raising the next generation is one of the most important things a person can do once they meet the basic needs of survival. It should come as no surprise that the ancient Egyptians were every bit as preoccupied with matters of love as any other culture. Therefore, you will find that ancient Egyptian love magic is fairly robust and filled with all sorts of fascinating spells, rituals, and objects.

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What Was Egyptian Love Magic Used for?

Using Egyptian Love MagicIn today’s world, it is all too easy to get caught up in romantic drama without fully understanding the drives of primal creation. Unfortunately, the more you pay attention to contemporary media and fiction, the harder it will be to understand and appreciate ancient Egyptian love magic’s full scope and importance. Essentially, the Egyptians developed a comprehensive love magic system that involved everything from attracting the right person to raising children to adulthood. As you learn more about Egyptian witchcraft, you will find spells to draw people together, rapid conception, safe birth, protection of children, and security of the home.

Can it Be Used Today?

Technically speaking, you can easily do some research and locate plenty of Egyptian spells to help you with romantic matters. On the other side of the equation, you should not work with this magic unless you are genuinely committed to the entire love process and its creative aspects. Unfortunately, far too many people try to use Egyptian magic to land a hot date or pull other people apart without realizing that they will have to live with the full consequences of their request. As with any other form of magic, you should never use ancient Egyptian love magic for entertainment or see if it works.


Is it Safe to Conduct Egyptian Love Magic?

Overall, if you act responsibly and with a sense of commitment, you can learn ancient Egyptian love magic and use it to enhance your life. As may be expected, this also includes developing a strong sense of discernment. If you cast a spell for someone that is not sincere or committed to accepting the outcomes of a spell, it can easily cause problems in your own life. Before you begin working with Egyptian love magic, you should make sure that you understand all the possible outcomes and what you need to do to garner both success and safety.


Ways to Obtain Egyptian Love Magic Rituals

Individuals who do not have time to learn how to cast spells or conduct rituals correctly can still use Egyptian magic. Among other things, you can ask for help from an experienced practitioner. This person can cast spells on your behalf as well as provide you with talismans or other symbols that indicate the outcome is in progress. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to find a coven with a member that can guide you through the basic steps as well as help you discover if your intentions and commitment are in line with this form of magic.

No question, being attracted to another human being can evoke a range of powerful feelings. Sadly, mundane reality can make things very difficult when it comes to following through on those feelings. This is just one of many reasons why those who turn to magic need to exercise caution and make sure they fully understand the extent of what they are asking for.


What Egyptian Love Spells can Do for You

Many people already equate Egyptian Magic with love. With the story of Cleopatra and Marc Antony in popular culture, the idea of love from Egypt is popular. And with Egyptian love spells to help you find the love you want in your life, you can create your own love story, one which doesn’t end in suicide, of course. With Egyptian love spells, you can tap into the ancient practice of working with Gods and Goddesses to help you connect your intentions to the divine to bring happiness and positive love into your life. To learn about love magic and love spells, please read our In-Depth Guide to Love Spells here.


What is Egyptian Magic?

Defining Egyptian Magic is a challenge is it is a spiritual practice that includes many hundreds of gods, deities, and practices. At its core, Egyptian Magic celebrates the cycles of nature, the sun, and the moon. We can see how our lives shift and change and then create energy to encourage changes in our own lives by looking at nature. By looking at the deities as guides for living one’s life, the ancient Egyptians could live in a spiritual manner, recognizing that everything is connected and that all deeds and beliefs can be spiritual.


The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt

One of the more significant parts of Egyptian Magic is the introduction of deity in spiritual workings. You might ask for the guidance and the energy of Isis or of Cleopatra to strengthen the power of the love spell or just to give you protection in your magical workings. With Gods and Goddesses, you can create the energy which will drive the love of your life to your door, choosing a deity that emulates the characteristics you want from a lover. Or you might work with a deity that gives you the strength to dare, to will, and to keep silent as the spell is working. With Egyptian rituals, you can tap into the power of the gods to help you with your mortal life.

Egyptian love spells are associated with the Egyptian God of magic, Osiris, and the Goddess of magic, motherhood, and fertility, Isis. These spells may involve chanting or the performance of specific rituals like a love bath. The spells have the power to make another person fall in love with you as long as you cast them with good intentions. The physical effects of these love spells are often seen in a couple of days. Ancient Egyptian beliefs consider love spells among the most potent forces in the universe, which is why they are very effective.


The Symbols of Egyptian Love Magic

Within Egyptian Magic are a number of symbols that are used for spells and rituals. You might look to the Eye of Horus for protection or the ankh for guidance. Others may like to find out the meanings of various hieroglyphics in order to intensify the power of a spell. Or you might want to look at other colors and images from Egyptian art to find things that resonate with you – and then use them in your love spells. For example, the stork might be a symbol that could be used to bring the idea of love and family into your life.


What Egyptian Magic Does for Love

Heka allows you to connect with the divine to attract love and bring loving feelings into any situation. Whether you are single or in a partnership, you can find that Egyptian love spells help you feel better about your love. You can attract new partners when you are single, finding them everywhere instead of being scarce in your searches. And the right people will find you, allowing you to have true love, not just a partner, for a short period of time. In a relationship, you will find that Egyptian spells can help you to keep your love strong. Even when you’ve been in a relationship for a while, you will find you still have the energy and the excitement you did when you first met.

Egypt is a land of love, honor, and devotion. Using Egyptian Witchcraft love spells will call those sands to your home and heart.


Casting Egyptian Love Spells

Egyptian love spells are usually performed on a full moon. The moon’s energy helps the binding process and is at its most powerful during a full moon. Like Wiccan beliefs, Egyptian love spells are also governed by the Rule of Threefold, where any harm done to another during a spell can come back three times strong to the person who cast the spell. Many of these spells are passed on in secrecy.

Egyptian spells are highly sensitive and effective, especially love spells. This form of magic can be used to reunite separated lovers or intensify a relationship, and so on. These love rituals work by harnessing nature’s extra-sensory forces around you and making their impact stronger. Remember, this magic is purely “white” in nature, and there are no harmful effects or consequences that you need to worry about. You might wonder if love magic works against the will of the targeted person, and you can be at ease because they do not. There is no manipulation or bending of will involved in Egyptian love spells.

If you are interested in more complicated rituals, it is recommended to hire a professional and an expert spell caster to perform these spells for you, as even a slight discrepancy can render the whole spell futile. These love spells are entirely spiritual in nature and nothing similar to black magic or voodoo. The only significant factors playing a role in a love spell are your spiritual power and the positive energy you possess. That is all. There is no incorporating of any other force or factor that can in any way cause abnormal or unwanted effects.


The Effectiveness of Egyptian Love Spells

Do not take the power of an Egyptian love spell for granted. They are highly sensitive and extremely effective. Egyptian witchcraft helps you regain your connection with the lost spiritual realm of yours, and once reconnected, you can experience its beauty and purity.

So, why give up easily when your love life is not in its right state. Set it right by using the amazing Egyptian love spells, which will bring back the lost happiness, the lost love, and your desire. With these love spells, it is like all of nature’s forces conspiring to bring love into your life.


Egyptian Love Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

Egyptian Fall in Love SpellWith the Egyptian Fall in Love Spell, you don’t have to feel alone in the world anymore. You can make your soul mate come to you and love you for who you really are and what you have to offer. No longer will you be the one to watch others fall in love, but you will be the one who has the crowd gathered around you.

The results of this spell may exceed even your wildest expectations. Who performs a particular ritual may not matter, as long as it is performed at the appropriate moon phase and full awareness of all the complexities involved in this type of magic. It can be an effective tool to make someone fall deeply in love with you.

Things You’ll need for this Spell

  • One Pink Candle
  • Seven of your hairs
  • A piece of gauze (3×3 inches)
  • A piece of parchment paper (3×3 inches)
  • Safran
  • A small bowl filled with four tablespoons of water
  • Toothpick
  • Water
  • Your name, as well as your loved one’s name
  • Best time to cast this spell: Waxing Moon Phase

How to Cast the Egyptian Fall in Love Spell

Cleanse and Consecrate the Candle. Light your candle and do so consciously. Be aware that fire has an affinity with the spiritual realm.

Start the ritual by dissolving the Safran in the water until it turns yellow. Use the toothpick, dip it in the water and write your name as well as your loved one’s name on the parchment paper. Put the hairs on the top of the parchment paper. Next, fold the parchment paper twice so that you have a square of 1.5 x 1.5 inches. Wrap it into the gauze. Now, drop the wax on the gauze to seal it and keep it wrapped around the parchment paper.

While you wrap the parchment paper into the gauze and seal it with wax, focus on your wish for your loved one to fall deeply in love with you. Try to build up as much energy as you can.

Thank Divinity and blow off the candle once you have communicated your wishes and goals. Hide the Talisman in your bedroom until your desire comes true.

When what you have called comes to you, be sure to thank Divinity for your good fortune.

Return the Talisman to nature by either burning it, burying, or throwing it into a river, lake, or ocean.


Love Goddess Isis Spell

Goddess Isis Love SpellIsis is the Egyptian Goddess of love, fertility, magic, healing, and the moon. By using this love spell, you will be calling upon Isis to assist you in finding true love. To be in love is the best feeling, especially when the other person loves you back. Each of us desires to be with that special someone for the rest of our lives. However, sometimes we need help finding our true love or soul mate. There is nothing wrong with helping yourself to find true love. This trait is admirable as you are helping yourself onto a road of happiness by allowing yourself to find your soul mate. True Love spells will bring you closer to your desire.

Whether you choose to perform this spell unassisted or seek the aid of an Egyptian witchcraft specialist is your choice entirely. When performed correctly and on the appropriate day, this spell can help you find true love.

Things You’ll need for the Love Goddess Isis Spell

  • Black Candle
  • Red Candle
  • White Candle
  • Myrrh Incense
  • Vervain Oil
  • Bloodstone
  • Silver bowl or dish
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • White and/or red flowers
  • A piece of gauze (approximately 3×3 inches)
  • A piece of parchment paper (approximately 3×3 inches)
  • Safran
  • A small bowl filled with four tablespoons of water
  • Toothpick
  • Water

How to Cast the Love Goddess Isis Spell

For best results, start this ritual on the day of the full moon.

Set the ritual up on your altar; if you do not have an Altar, a table or any appropriate space will do. Please take a few drops of the Vervain oil and anoint all three candles, then put them on your altar and light them. Also, burn the Myrrh Incense, and put the bloodstone next to it. Pour some milk into the silver bowl or dish and add some honey. Arrange everything nicely on the altar. Don’t forget the flowers; Isis loves flowers.

Now sit down and dissolve the Safran in the small bowl filled with water. Once the water turns yellow, use the toothpick and write your name along with three love-related wishes on the parchment paper. Use the white candle and drop seven drops of wax onto the writing, then use the red candle and drip another seven drops of wax on it, and finally use the black candle and drip 13 drops of wax on it.

Creating the Goddess Isis Talisman

Next, fold the parchment paper twice so that you have a square of 1.5 x 1.5 inches. Wrap it into the gauze and add any wax pieces that may have fallen off by folding the paper. Now, use the white candle and drop the wax on the gauze to seal it and to keep it wrapped around the parchment paper.

While you wrap the parchment paper into the gauze and seal it with wax, focus on your wish to find your true love. Try to build up as much energy as you can.

Ask Isis for all that you wish for. Be honest and forthright. Be clear and operate only in harmony with the universe.

Once you are done, you can snuff out the candles. Ensure to relight the candles in the next two days (a total of 3 days) and call upon Isis again. On the 3rd and final day, let the candles burn out and give the candle remains and the flowers into a body of water, such as a river, lake, pond, creek, ocean, etc.

Important note: Please offer Isis fresh milk with honey each day of the ritual. To understand the making and charging of Talismans better, please refer to this article.


Egyptian Love Potion

Egyptian Love PotionThroughout history, people from many cultures have been using love potions to enhance their love life, make someone attracted to them, fall in love, and enhance sexual desire and performance. Whether these potions have to be smelled or worn, people have been using these sensual items to help them rev up a faltering romance or start a new romance with romantic intensity and power. This Egyptian Love Potion contains natural ingredients which help to alter the brain chemistry temporarily, flooding the body with feel-good hormones. Wear it to attract someone to you, to arouse them, and to make them long and fall for you.

You can use this potion as a perfume or as part of a love ritual.

What you will need for the Love Potion

  • 2.5 ounces Ethanol (you may also use Vodka)
  • 2 tbsp distilled water
  • 0.5 ounce Sweet Almond Oil or Jojoba Oil
  • Glass bottle or vial
  • Perfume bottle
  • 1 Coffee Filter
  • 24 drops essential oils
    • Musk oil (8 drops)
    • Rose oil (8 drops)
    • Lotus oil (8 drops)

How to Create the Egyptian Love Potion

Make this Love Potion on the day of the full moon. Add the sweet almond oil or jojoba oil to the bottle or vial. Add the essential oils followed by the alcohol. Shake the bottle for at least 3 minutes. Please put it on your altar for a full moon cycle.

On each Wednesday, start by facing the bottle and say the following:

Iset Meret… Let the winds of Love arise!

Turn to the East and say:

Awake the love, desire and passion

Turn to the South and say:

Let the warmth of love consume you!

Turn to the West and say:

Let the flow of love draw you to me!

Turn to the North and say:

 Let the reality of Love come!

Again, face the bottle and say:

Iset Meret… Let the winds of Love arise!

On the next full moon, add the 2 tbsp distilled water to the potion and shake it for at least 3 minutes. Next, filter it through the coffee filter. At that time, pour the potion into its final bottle. Your potion is now ready for use. Please refer to this article to better understand the creation and use of love potions.


Things to Keep in Mind when working with Egyptian Witchcraft Spells

When using ancient Egyptian love spells, the objective must be not to manipulate but to attract love with the right intent. These spells are designed to open the heart and soul of lovers who probably lost their way in their relationships. Besides, they can only be cast for true love. They are an effective way to rekindle the fires in a relationship, no matter how distant the two lovers are. The popular ancient Egyptian love spells are reuniting love spells, spells to prevent separation and divorce, spells to find a soul mate, spells to heal a broken heart, and spells for partners to remain faithful in a relationship. Then, of course, there are potent spells for sexual attraction and marriage proposals. No matter what type of issue you face in your love life, there is a love spell to help your situation.

Spell Manifestation and Results

Love spells take time to manifest and produce permanent results. There is no quick fix to a love relationship. All it takes is patience and faith, and soon you will find everlasting results that will transform your love life into something more than just ‘magical’. Focus, concentrate and learn to meditate. Realize the inner powers that lie dormant in you. These innate powers are the main catalyst to casting successful love spells.

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Joy January 17, 2022 - 8:33 pm

I like this website.

Apple January 21, 2022 - 12:59 am

Do you have an alternative for safran?

I Love Spells January 26, 2022 - 11:34 pm

Safran will be most potent, but in case you can’t find it you may substitute it with 1/2 a teaspoon of Turmeric.


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