Home Psychics and DivinationAstrology Introduction to Astrology

Introduction to Astrology

by Dr. Thomas Robertson
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The earliest recorded history states that astrology had existed around 6,000 years ago when the priests evaluated the movements in the sky on top of an old Chaldean watchtower. Initially, both astronomy and astrology were intertwined, which later saw its division with the advancements in science, bringing in more exactness to the study of astronomy.

The term astrology means the “Message of The Stars.” It believes that every event in the world results from well-defined acts that can be predicted with exact precision. The astrological charts can define the impact the planetary positions and the position of the sun and the moon have on each individual that is capable of providing a sketch of the character of individuals born at that time, the current state of their life besides predicting their future.

What is Astrology?

Typically, astrology tries to evaluate the control exuded by the planetary positions at different points of time. The two types of planetary forces that control an individual’s life can be positive and negative forces. Holding greater ideas on the planetary position, the astrologers are in a better position to offer us respite from the bad times and make us ready to grab the good times.

Astrologers accept the fact that the sun’s position at the time of birth has an immense hold on the type of individual you are. Even though it can vary between people born at different timings on the same day, both parties will possess a certain characteristic that is particular to that zodiac sign. These zodiac signs change as the Earth orbits around the sun. The Zodiac, meaning “Circle of Animals,” marked its origin from Greek, consists of twelve signs.



How Astrology can be used

Not so long ago, you would have needed to purchase a subscription to an astrology magazine or buy the local newspaper on a daily basis to read your horoscope. Today, astrology and horoscopes are available to everyone online and via free phone apps and other sources. In addition, if you are interested in creating your own horoscopes, you will find it reasonably easy to obtain instructions as well as all of the charts required to achieve your goal. As an added bonus, once you master Astrology, you will find it easier to evaluate and learn how to use systems created by other cultures.

Origins of Western Astrology

It is very important to realize that western astrology did not arise as a complete system from a single culture. Rather, it integrates many ideas that span almost half the world. This includes Chinese, Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek, and even Roman influences. As you delve deeper into western astrology, you are sure to find yourself amazed at how the principles of Flying Star Feng Shui were integrated with Ancient Egyptian decans and Greek constellations, as well as other information related to cosmic and earthly impacts on human life and events.

Things You Will Need to Use Western Astrology

In order to use western astrology, you will need some basic information as well as some tools. Information wise, you will need to know the date, time, and location of your birth. You can give this information to a professional astrologer or feed it into a computer program to generate your natal chart and other reports that may be of interest to you. If you are planning to cast your own horoscopes, you will need unlined paper, a drawing compass, and an ephemeris that provides information on the location of planets and asteroids. Depending on the amount of time you have to do research, you can find free tables online or simply purchase books that provide this information all in one place.

Going Beyond Horoscopes

Even though horoscopes that focus on sun signs are very important, far more details are available when you cast more detailed reports. This includes studying the various houses or areas of your life concerning celestial orientations. As you learn more about how the stars interact with the different areas of your life to create enhancement and conflict, it will be easier to choose which issues to focus on and which ones may prove easier to manage at a later date.

The Astrological Zodiac

Astrological ZodiacThe astrological zodiac is a symbolic division of the ecliptic into twelve 30 ° sections. It has nothing to do with the fixed constellations, except that the same names are used for the images. The ecliptic is the sun’s apparent orbit, which the sun draws around the earth over the course of a year (it takes the earth one year to orbit the sun). The astrological year’s beginning is the vernal equinox (around March 20/21), also known as the Aries or the vernal equinox. From there, the sun moves through the zodiac from Aries to Pisces. Our calendar works on the basis of this orbit of the sun or earth. That is why almost everyone knows their zodiac sign or sun sign, as it is correctly called astrologically.

At the end of the year, we can also describe the sun’s hike through the zodiac and relate the signs it passes through to the seasons: Aries is full of energy, in line with nature’s new growth impulse in April. The indulgent Taurus enjoys the splendor of the spring blossoms in May. The transition period between spring and summer in June corresponds to the Gemini, who are always looking for change and variety. In July, we usually take it a little more calmly and take care of our well-being, according to the soulful Cancer. When the sun unfolds its full radiance in August, Leo feels completely in his element. September belongs to the busy Virgo to plan for winter. In October, nature shines in its most glorious blaze of colors and delights the sense of beauty in Libra, before in November – all Scorpio – it strips off everything superfluous and transforms itself. Sagittarius directs his gaze to new targets as early as December. In January, nature does not waste energy – like the Capricorn – but concentrates entirely on its new task in spring. Just as Aquarius is always looking for change, the first thaw in February also brings new movement into nature. And in March comes the time of the Pisces to let the final hardness of winter melt away.

DividerThe Twelve Signs of the Zodiac in Detail

AriesAries-oriented people are active, enterprising, and full of energy. They are very will-minded people with a lot of assertiveness, and sometimes they tend to be ruthless. Aries are combative people who like to measure themselves against others. They like sport and generally competitive situations in which they usually behave fairly. They also like to take risks, and they are often pioneers in one area. In general, it is up to them to tackle something new and get it going. Initiative is their strength, but they lack perseverance and usually also lack diplomacy. Aries are suitable for management positions and as self-employed entrepreneurs. Competition spurs them on. They are skilled in their craft and are particularly good at using mechanical tools.

TaurusTaurus-conscious people are extremely pragmatic. You stand with both feet on the ground and orientate yourself on very specific things. Their behavior is relevant, and they have a remarkable eye for the value and usefulness of things. Taurus are also very body-related, and sensuality occupies an important place in their life. They are outspoken connoisseurs and appreciate good food and drink as well as fine smells or sensual eroticism. They have a special approach to plants, and mostly they love flowers. Taurus are gifted with collecting and reproducing beautiful and valuable things around themselves, and they are particularly good at money management. This can lead to greed and avarice when they derive their self-esteem from their possessions rather than from themselves. Taurus are then also tormented by the fear of loss – whether this concerns things or people.

GeminiGemini-oriented people are particularly flexible and adaptable. They are always on the move and often seem a bit nervous. Geminis are very curious, interested in everything, and always hungry for information. If you want to bring yourself up to date, it is best to turn to the Gemini. They are very sociable, articulate, and open to anything. Often they do not have an opinion of their own, behave neutrally, and are entirely free of prejudice. Gemini can therefore deal with practically anyone, always find something to talk about, and are often good entertainers. Gemini have a flair for everything to do with communication. You can find them as entertainers, as well as in politics, as journalists on radio and television, or as agents, salespeople, and dealers. The Gemini’s knowledge is very broad, but only superficial because they lack the patience and perseverance to go deeper.

CancerCancer-born people live in an emotional world. They perceive moods at least as clearly as spoken words, and they can absolutely rely on their intuition. Their emotional life is constantly up and down, and sometimes they seem moody. A private environment that corresponds to your wishes is important for your well-being, as well as a familiar group of people such as a family or an intimate circle of friends. Cancers have a keen imagination and think in pictures. If you are creatively gifted at the same time, you can draw on your rich inner life and transform your feelings artistically. An essential part of the Cancer personality is also their care, which makes them particularly suitable to look after people or animals, be it in the mental area or in concrete terms with food and drink. You can often find crabs in the hospitality industry.

LeoLion-oriented people like to be the center of attention. Often they are radiant personalities that cannot be overlooked. Self-expression is important to them, and they are mostly creative. Their work is always an expression of their personality. Leos become caricatures when they are no longer themselves but orient their behavior towards the audience and make them dependent on it. Lions are real leaders who are generous and tolerant with their employees. If they are not in a managerial position or self-employed, they need their own sphere of activity to bring in their ideas and materialize them. As an inconspicuous cog in the community, they quickly feel dissatisfied and unhappy. In addition, Leos are gamblers. They prefer to live according to the pleasure principle, and as much as possible, everything they do must be combined with fun.

VirgoVirgos are extremely practical. They are masters at organizing, ordering, and planning something. In addition, they are hard workers and do everything reliably and with the attitude that it is not about them, but about serving the cause. Virgos are very helpful and often feel the need to do something for the human community, so they are usually found in social professions. They are very busy and do a lot for others, with a tendency to neglect themselves in the process. Their proverbial perfectionism can actually sometimes degenerate into pedantry. Virgos have a special relationship with their bodies and with health in general. They know their way around nutritional issues and often also in the medical field, with alternative methods usually in the foreground. Some of them have healing abilities.

LibraLibras are particularly in need of harmony. They abhor arguments and always try to find a balance between opposites. Their diplomatic skills are famous, and their charm is proverbial. The downside of this sometimes manifests itself in an over adaptation and inability to register and enforce one’s own needs. Libras have a keen sense of beauty and an eye for shapes and colors. This gives them both an understanding of art and the ability to beautify things and people. Libras are, therefore, in their element in the fashion, cosmetics, and jewelry industries. They have fine manners and good taste so they usually look very well-groomed. They value other people’s company and are good hosts.

ScorpioScorpios are extremists who either do something thoroughly or not at all. They love the intensity, and their feelings are passionate – whether it is love or hate. Sexuality is an essential part of their life. When dealing with other people, Scorpios are usually cool and uninvolved, but superficiality is not their thing – on the contrary, they have a strong curiosity to explore. A special talent of the Scorpios is to uncover mistakes and sore points, which of course, not only meets with joy. Especially when the exposure relates exclusively to others and stops at them, scorpions sometimes attract aggression. They are also attracted to the hidden power structures of society, and sometimes they are politically active. They also feel in their element wherever hidden things need to be uncovered and/or harmful things to be eliminated, for example, in criminology, psychology, medicine, but also in waste disposal or the field of mineral resources.

SagittariusSagittarius have a strong spiritual orientation, and they always ask first about the meaning of something. They are interested in the different ways of thinking and beliefs of humanity and are looking for their own personal truth. Therefore, they like to travel to get to know foreign cultures and philosophies. Such trips can also take the form of taking courses or visiting conventions. Having a goal is as important to Sagittarians as being able to believe in the things they are doing. Otherwise, they are inferior workers. They are found in all areas where they find spiritual nourishment. Sagittarians have a strong desire for freedom and do not allow themselves to be restricted. They not only express tolerance and generosity themselves, but they also expect it from those around them. They have a tendency to exaggerate and often overshoot their mark in their exuberance. However, their open-hearted charisma can hardly be resisted, so they are usually very popular and are often encouraged by others.

CapricornCapricorn-born people have the ability to concentrate on the essentials. They are responsible, and what they do or say always has substance. They don’t take anything lightly, and their seriousness can sometimes turn into depression. They are particularly keen to structure things or work processes. They are highly realistic people with an eye for what is essential. Honesty, independence, and integrity are a matter of course for them. Capricorns can be absolutely relied on, and what they once said applies in any case. They also have certain hardness and intransigence, which they direct not only against others but also against themselves. They are perfectionists, and they find mistakes unforgivable. Only the best is good enough, and therein lies the danger that Capricorns block themselves with their high standards.

AquariusAquarius have a strong desire for freedom and independence. They are individualists and have the need to stand out from the crowd. This sometimes makes them eccentrics, snobs, or rebels. Nevertheless, they are outspoken human friends, and nothing is as important to them as their circle of friends or a group of like-minded people. Aquarians love variety and change, and nothing is more hateful to them than routine and traditional things. They are idealists and always have ideas and plans on how to do something better. Realizing this is not one of their strengths, however, and often a new thought pops up in their head before the old one has been properly thought through. However, they usually stick to their beliefs and ideas and can hardly be dissuaded from them. Aquarians can be found in all areas where they can work independently, where a talent for improvisation is required, or modern technology is used.

PiscesPisces-born people are extremely sensitive. They have thin skin and are immediately aware of other people’s moods and the atmosphere around them. Therefore, they react to unspoken words or tone of voice at least as strongly as they react to what is actually being said. So don’t bother trying to fool a Pisces. Their compassion is proverbial: they can’t stand to see others suffer. That is why they are often active in social areas. In addition, Pisces have a strong imagination and often a talent for music. The downside of this is sometimes a certain unfamiliarity, and some are really messy. Since Pisces are unable to differentiate themselves from external influences, it is important for them to ensure that there are rest phases in which they can switch off and refuel. A place to which they can regularly withdraw is vital for them. If they overstrain themselves, Pisces get sick relatively quickly and thus get the necessary rest.


The Elements and Temperaments

Individual signs of the zodiac show a specific relationship in the human characteristics ascribed to them. Because of these similarities, the characters are divided into four elements, which are also based on the type theory of Carl Gustav Jung.

Fire ElementFire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

  • Red symbol in the zodiac

Fire signs belong to the intuitive type. Fire people have a strong will, look at the world from their personal point of view, and see the possibilities in one thing. They express the following characteristics: dynamic, active, spontaneous, courageous, idealistic, determined, powerful, optimistic, forward-looking.

Earth ElementEarth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

  • Green symbol in the zodiac

Earth signs belong to the sensation type (meaning the sensations of our five senses). Earth people are realistic and start from what is actually available. They are characterized by the following characteristics: realistic, practical, pragmatic, concrete, slow, binding, body-conscious, reserved, careful.

Air ElementAir (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

  • Yellow symbol in the zodiac

The intellectual world of thought is closest to air people. Air signs belong to the thinking type. You think and act objectively and logically and embody the following characteristics: flexible, interested, sociable, versatile, non-binding, intellectual, curious, restless, talkative.

Water ElementWater (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

  • Blue symbol in the zodiac

The water signs belong to the feeling type. Water people can rely on their intuition and act accordingly. They have the following characteristics: sensitive, sensitive, emotional, imaginative, sentimental, reactive, sensitive, intuitive, compassionate.


The Three Modalities

Another division of the zodiac signs is based on the energy disposition into the so-called crosses or Modalities. The name cross comes from the fact that the signs of a cross, viewed in the zodiac, can be connected with lines to form a cross. We distinguish between three modalities:

CardinalCardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn = cardinal cross)

The cardinal signs have impulse energy. They show a lot of initiative when it comes to starting something new but have little stamina. Their energy comes in spurts, which means that they always need periods of rest in which they can relax and then – for a certain time – have their full strength available again. Cardinally inclined people need space for their ideas, fit into a management position, and are extremely unsuitable for routine tasks and detailed work.

FixedFixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius = fixed cross)

The energy level of the fixed signs does not have as high peaks like that of the cardinal ones but benefits from a steady, constant flow of energy. As a result, fixed signs are very persistent and ideally suited to sticking to something, sometimes even to fixate on it. People with a fixed disposition are suitable for lengthy tasks that require patience and a thorough approach. They have difficulties with constantly changing situations.

MutableMutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces = changeable cross)

The changeable energy is aimed at completing something, refining it, and already preparing something new. The changeable signs have little initiative; their motivation is to be there and participate. Changeable people are extremely flexible and adaptable and can get used to it in a flash. Routine work is a nightmare to them.


The Polarity

The final division of the zodiac presented here is called polarity. This is a division of the signs of the zodiac into two opposite poles, which we can paraphrase with the following pairs of words: active-passive, extroverted-introverted, male-female, yang-yin.

In relation to human behavior, we can describe the polarity in such a way that Yang people live more outwardly, approach others and communicate, while Yin people are more withdrawn and adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

Astrologically, all fire and air signs (i.e., Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are Yang signs.
All earth and water signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are Yin signs.


The Planets

Planets play an important role in astrology. They include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Earth does not figure in the list because it is where we live. 

The movement of these planets influences much of astrology and its predictions. Referring to personal astrological charts help people identify with their mental abilities and innate intellectual skills. The first indicator is the position of a planet at the time of birth. The second indicator is the calculation of the planet in relation to other planets. Their degree of angle and placement on the chart indicate either harmony or disruption.

The Sun

SunRuler of the Zodiac Sign: Leo

The position of the sun is the position in the horoscope that practically everyone knows. When someone says “I am Aries”, he means that the sun was in the zodiac sign Aries on the day of his birth. The sun symbolizes the primary motivation of our personality and stands for self-confidence, self-confidence, courage, vitality, and the active, creative male principle. People with a strong sun have a great need to express their personality, be creative, “shine” like the sun, and show themselves. They also need a corresponding amount of attention and are sometimes proud and arrogant. The vitality of a person can also be read from the position of the sun in the horoscope. On the physical level, the sun corresponds to the heart and blood circulation. The sun is assigned to the Leo sign and the fifth house.

The Moon

Moon PlanetRuler of the zodiac sign: Cancer

In contrast to the sun, the moon symbolizes the receiving creative-feminine principle. The moon’s position in the horoscope shows how we deal with our feelings and what we need to feel secure and comfortable. The moon also reflects the child that we once were and that more or less always lives on in us. Empathy, sensitivity, tenderness, helpfulness, devotion, and fantasy are moon characteristics, but also moodiness, melancholy, and oversensitivity. People with a strong moon appear soft and often have a maternal, caring charisma. You like to take care of other people and react strongly to moods. Physically, the moon corresponds to the stomach, the fluid balance, the lymph, and the female reproductive organs. The moon belongs to the Cancer sign and the fourth house.


MercuryRuler of the zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo

Mercury symbolizes the mind. Thinking, talking, listening, reading, and writing are traits of Mercury. The position of Mercury says something about our willingness to learn and the ability to recognize, analyze, and express things. Mental and physical agility, but also a practical disposition and business acumen are assigned to Mercury. A person with well-developed Mercury qualities is smart, interested in everything, always ready to learn something new, and lends a hand everywhere. Know-it-all and talkativeness are downsides of Mercury. A person with a strong Mercury in the horoscope is curious and tries to keep up to date. Exchange with other people is important to him, and his circle of acquaintances should be correspondingly large. He is often out and about. On the physical level, Mercury corresponds to the exchange organs (lungs, bronchi, airways) as well as the arms and hands. Mercury corresponds to the Gemini and Virgo sign and the third and sixth house.


VenusRuler of the zodiac signs: Libra, Taurus

Venus meets our need for love, attraction, relationship, and partnership. It is also the epitome of harmony, pleasure, sensuality, and embellishment. The urge to stake out one’s own territory or to secure oneself materially is also Venusian. One’s own self-worth can be read from the position of Venus in the horoscope, as can the ability to enjoy. With a strong Venus, a person is extremely in need of harmony, gets along well with others, and knows how to enjoy life. He enjoys beautiful things, has an eye for shapes and colors, and has a creative streak. In addition, there is the ability to recognize the value of something and to use resources carefully. Over-conformity, vanity, or greed are downsides of the Venus principle. On the physical level, Venus symbolizes all the glands, the throat and neck area, the tonsils, the bladder, the skin, and the female sexual organs. Venus belongs to the Taurus and Libra signs and to the second and seventh houses.


MarsRuler of the zodiac sign: Aries

Mars symbolizes the fighter in us. Impulsiveness, assertiveness, thirst for action and activity, courage, struggle, aggressiveness, and instinctiveness are among the characteristics of the mars. From his position in the horoscope, we can deduce how a person works (is active), how he gets his way and how he defends himself when he feels attacked. With a strong Mars, a person shows a lot of initiative, is active, combative, and decisive, needs a lot of movement, and loves competitive situations of all kinds. The energy of Mars is like the sword with which some strike wildly while others fight skillfully. On the body level, the Mars principle corresponds to the head (especially the forehead) as well as our defense system and the blood. Inflammations of all kinds and accidents (especially stab wounds, cuts, and burns) also belong in this area. Mars corresponds to the Aries sign and the first house.


JupiterRuler of the zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Jupiter strives for higher values and is a symbol of growth. As a rule, we speak of spiritual growth, broadening of horizons, search for meaning, goals, and belief when we describe the Jupiter principle. However, growth can also take place in the material area or quite simply on the body level, in that we gain weight. People with a strong Jupiter have a great thirst for freedom; they like to travel or otherwise have to do with foreign countries. You may also meet Jupiter in the people that promote you, help you with favorable opportunities, or promote your spiritual growth. Likewise, Jupiter can embody the guru or guide whom we admire and emulate. Exaggeration and dissatisfaction resulting from too high expectations are the downsides of Jupiter. On the physical level, it symbolizes the liver, the hip, and all kinds of growths (uncontrolled cell growth). Jupiter belongs to the Sagittarius sign and the ninth house.


SaturnRuler of the zodiac sign: Capricorn

Saturn is a symbol of the energy that keeps us grounded. It forces us to be disciplined, clear and focused and makes us aware of our weaknesses. Restraint and being able to say no – in other words: demarcate ourselves – are part of the Saturn principle. It often demands hard work and restrictions from us but gives us structure and security and helps us to grow up and take responsibility for ourselves. With a strong Saturn, a person is true to himself and others, pursues his goals with perseverance, exudes security and reliability, and strives for responsibility and a social position. Excessive harshness both towards oneself and others, avarice, fear, and loneliness are among the downsides of Saturn. On the body level, it corresponds to the bones, especially the backbone, the knee joints, and the teeth. Stone formations and ossification of all kinds are also part of its energy. Saturn corresponds to the Capricorn sign and the tenth house.


UranusRuler of the zodiac sign: Aquarius

The energy of Uranus seeks change. Surprises of all kinds, sudden turns, and unexpected events are part of the Uranus principle. These are all innovations, revolutionary ideas, spiritual knowledge, the understanding of connections, and intuition on the thought level. People with a strong Uranus in the horoscope are individualists who are characterized by originality, inventiveness, and openness to the new and different. A strong desire for independence and freedom is just as much a part of her outstanding characteristics as her urge to change things. The downsides of Uranus are intolerance, rebellion, unpredictability, and the tendency not to really get involved. On the physical level, Uranus corresponds to the nerves, the lower legs, cramps of all kinds (calf cramps in particular), and accidents. Uranus corresponds to the Aquarian sign and the eleventh house.


NeptuneRuler of the zodiac sign: Pisces

Neptune is a symbol of a higher form of love. It enables us to put our own interests aside and recognize that we are part of the cosmos. Neptune also embodies the longing for a paradisiacal state without borders and without suffering. Everything that seems inexplicable, fantastic, as if from another world comes from his realm. Neptune-oriented people have thin skin and perceive invisible vibrations. They find it difficult to differentiate themselves, and they are very sensitive, imaginative, full of compassion, and willing to help. The dark side of Neptune is expressed in escape from reality, addiction, deception, and disappointment, as well as intrigues. On the physical level, Neptune corresponds to the feet, dizziness, feelings of weakness, and all mysterious and insidious diseases for which often no cause can be found. Neptune belongs to the Pisces sign and the twelfth house.


PlutoRuler of the zodiac sign: Scorpio

Pluto makes us aware that everything is fleeting and constantly changing. As a symbol for procreation, birth, death, and rebirth, it symbolizes the eternal cycle of becoming, being, and passing away. Whether we transform ourselves inwardly or outwardly, all transition states belong to the Pluto principle. Pluto rules over all taboos such as sexuality, death, power, and crises. People with a strong Pluto in the horoscope often come into contact with the topic of power/powerlessness and repeatedly go through changes in life. At the same time, they have access to a great deal of strength and regenerative capacity, which sometimes makes them superhuman. Their intense, mysterious and penetrating charisma usually leaves no one indifferent. The dark side of Pluto is expressed in greed for power, fanaticism, violence, and destruction. At the body level, it corresponds to the excretory organs (rectum, anus) and the genitals and fatal diseases such as cancer or AIDS. Pluto corresponds to the Scorpio sign and the eighth house.


ChironRuler of the zodiac sign: Virgo, Sagittarius

Chiron is a so-called planetoid – a planet-like body – which was only discovered in 1977. Its orbit around the sun runs between the planets Saturn and Uranus. Since astrologers do not yet have too much experience with the principle of Chiron and its energy is only gradually coming into people’s consciousness, it is far from being considered in all horoscope interpretations. Chiron symbolizes both an injury in us and the ability to heal. It brings us into contact with the pain, lets us recognize the dark, ugly parts in us and the world, and at the same time promotes the acceptance of these dark sides. In this way, Chiron becomes a mediator between the world of light and shadow. People with a strong Chiron know their underlying pain and often have a need and the ability to heal. Chiron corresponds to all chronic and congenital diseases and deformities on the body level. It is assigned to the Virgo or Sagittarius sign and accordingly to the sixth or ninth house.


LilithLilith is not a celestial body but a point: the moon moves in an elliptical orbit around the earth. In one focal point of this ellipse is the earth, in the other Lilith. Lilith symbolizes a principle that must first be slowly reintegrated into human consciousness, and so Lilith – like Chiron – is not much considered in the horoscope. It corresponds to the female primal energy, and a typical characteristic for Lilith processes is a cyclical course. Lilith is the female deity with the power and ability to create something in order to then separate from what has been created (example: conception, pregnancy [admission], birth [separation]). If she cannot separate, Lilith leads to numbness and death. People with a strong Lilith know what they want and are also ready to break taboos – or they encounter her in the form of women with these characteristics. Lilith corresponds to physical union, conception, fertilization, and all cyclical processes such as menstruation.

Lunar Nodes

In addition to the planetary symbols, we also find the sign of the lunar nodes in the horoscope. To be precise, it is the ascending or northern lunar node. The descending or southern lunar node is usually not shown. From an astronomical point of view, the lunar nodal axis is the intersection between the sun and lunar orbit. Astrologically, the lunar node axis is given a lot of weight, especially in the karmic horoscope interpretation, because it describes our life’s work and shows us the path intended for us.

South NodeThe descending lunar node symbolizes our origins and what we bring into our new life when we are born. Especially as children, we are strongly expressive of the Sign and House of the Descending Lunar Node. We have a strong tendency to cling to these habitual and familiar behaviors, just as we find it difficult to throw away an old, comfortable, but worn-out pair of shoes. Although the principles of our descending lunar node seem so reliable to us, we often behave in this area in a compulsive manner and inappropriately for the situation. This is particularly evident when one or more planets are also at the descending lunar node.

North NodeThe ascending lunar node corresponds to our life’s work, i.e., the energies and properties that we have to develop. Logically, this is always the countersign and house to the descending lunar node. The principles embodied by the ascending lunar node appear to us at first alien and not very desirable. However, if we dare to take the step in this direction, we usually have very good experiences with it, which encourages us to develop this side in us and to express it more. If we succeed in this, we can at the same time transform our wealth of experience, which is connected with the descending lunar node, and draw on it to the full.


The Aspects

Once you receive your first natal chart, you will see a series of lines on the diagram as well as a listing of aspects. Interestingly enough, the aspects can easily turn an otherwise favorable planet or alignment into something negative or vice versa. Whether you are looking at natal charts, love charts, or ones dedicated to other matters, it is very important to calculate aspects and then make sure you understand how they affect the overall reading. Needless to say, it is also important to do these calculations for the asteroids as well as the main planets in our solar system.

What are the Aspects?

Basically, an aspect is an angle or degree of orientation that describes the relationships between planets and the ascendant sign and various points on the horizon and heavens. Aspects can involve two or more planets or points of interest. For example, if you are trying to focus on a specific house in your astrology chart, you would do an evaluation of the angle of planets outside the house as well as in relation to those that happen to be passing through it.

How are they Determined?

After the sun, moon, planets, constellations, asteroids, and ascendant are plotted on a horoscope chart, the astrologer will begin looking at the angular differences between each plotted point. If the angular degree is 90, it is said that one planet squares the other. Since angles will not always be exact, it is said that numbers closer to any given aspect type create a stronger influence in the chart.

Most Common Aspects Found in Astrology Charts


There is a 0 to 10 degree angle between two objects, a pair of objects, or even an entire house. These alignments can be positive, negative, or neutral, depending on the planets involved and the houses in which they occur.


180 degrees, or on the opposite side of the heavens. These alignments tend to cause magnifications or exaggerations, so care must be taken to see through this in both good and negative events since the affect will pass once the alignment changes.


60 degree angle. It tends to be favorable to communication and high potential. This alignment does not guarantee success but can point to a path that may require a good bit of effort. As may be expected, the success or failure of the endeavor may well depend on other alignments as time moves forward.


90 degree angle. It tends to be stressful. Since squares often occur between outer and inner planets, the slower motion of the outer ones causes slowdowns and disruptions. Sometimes this can be useful if the person understands how to channel this energy into productive purposes instead of growing impatient.


120 degrees. Trine alignments are said to be some of the most positive alignments. They can bring harmony, good luck, and direct paths to succeeding in any given project.

Is it Important to Learn How to Cast Aspects?

If you do not know how to plot and interpret aspects, it will be very difficult to gain the full value of any given horoscope chart. It will also be challenging to understand how the motion of planets across time creates both subtle and powerful changes. Perhaps it can be said that without the connecting threads of the aspects, it becomes complicated to see the smooth motions and cycles of life and how they are eternally connected to everything else in the universe.

As you learn more about western astrology, you may find it a bit inhibiting to learn about the aspects. On the other hand, this information will prove very useful once you begin casting more complicated charts or need answers to specific questions that will unfold over time. During the process of learning how to chart and read aspects, you are sure to be fascinated by the ever-turning wheel of the cosmos and all it has to reveal about the reflected patterns here on Earth.


Astrology and Ritual Practices

Astrology and Ritual PracticesHave you ever heard of planetary retrogrades or void of course positions? If so, you may also realize that these times are the worst for conducting magical rituals or casting spells. It is also very important to recognize that many planetary meanings change based on the constellations they wheel through during the course of a day. Therefore, as you delve deeper into astrology, you will find a useful map revealing when to carry out specific tasks.

It is very important to realize that ritual practices and astrological education were usually reserved only for the most elite members of society. In today’s world, you have a unique opportunity to use both astrology and advanced magical practices to improve your life and the world around you. Anyone that wants to make the most of these opportunities can start by studying western astrology and then delving deeper into the founding roots of each element. Needless to say, if you are already skilled in spell casting, divination, or other magical arts, learning more about astrology can easily enhance outcomes as well as give you a chance to tap into deeper aspects of the unseen realms.

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