Home Types of MagicWitchcraft & Wicca What is Wicca? Introduction to Wicca and what it means to be a Wiccan

What is Wicca? Introduction to Wicca and what it means to be a Wiccan

by Wanda Green
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Sadly, even today, some think Wicca is dangerous and evil. Nothing could be further from the truth. Wicca is a harmonious, balanced, peaceful way of life and thinking. It promotes oneness with all who are and, of course, with the divine.

Those who practice Wicca literally take time to smell the roses. Something all of us should do. It’s an appreciation of a sunrise, of the forest, of the dew on the petals of those beautiful flowers. Wicca is the color of the autumn leaves and the freshness of the winter snow. It is a connection with Mother Earth’s nature and being humbled in reverence.

Wicca is practiced in secret by some and in the open by others. Much of the reason for the secrecy is that even today, witchcraft is still often unaccepted.

What is Wicca Witchcraft?

Witchcraft is not about casting evil spells or turning people into toads, and it certainly isn’t about the dark side. A Wiccan is a seeker, healer, teacher, and at all times, a protector of all things. Wicca is a unique and exciting practice tied to many things that all of you are familiar with – candles, incense, aromatherapy, crystals, herbs, astrology, Tarot, metaphysics, and rituals.

In ancient times witchcraft was referred to as “The Craft of the Wise.” Followers lived in harmony with nature, and they had an excellent understanding of herbs and medicines used within the communities. They understood that what was taken from the earth had to be returned to keep balance.


The Teachings of Witchcraft

Witchcraft teaches responsibility for one’s actions and that there is no one to blame for our mess-ups but us. Witches do not play the blame game. They acknowledge nature’s cycles, including the seasons, and lunar phases, which allow the Witch to work with the deities in harmony.

Today’s Witch is someone who practices a life-affirming Earth and Nature orientate religion that honors Divinity in the female and male aspects.

Another common myth is that Witches spend their time creating evil spells. Rather Wiccan spells involve love, healing, creativity, blessings, wisdom, and harmony, and with the help of the deities, these spells are mighty. They look within themselves.


Principles of the Wiccan Belief

Wiccan BeliefWiccans believe that the Goddess and God are one and are found in nature – the trees, lakes, rivers, flowers, sea, rain, and creatures that walk this planet – and that the teacher is nature.

Witchcraft honors the elements of natureEarth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit and it is associated with North, East, South, West, and Center in the sacred circles where rituals are held.

Witches practice rituals regularly, consisting of simple ceremonies, or they can be very complex and elaborate. They can be basic such as a ritual to improve one’s chance of getting a new job, or they can be more complex such as putting a protective barrier around someone you love that is thousands of miles away.

Wicca and its related elements should never be feared; instead, they should be recognized for their uniqueness, values, and affirmation of Mother Nature.

Whether you choose to do no more than reading about Witchcraft and Witches, or you choose to further your studies and perhaps one day become a practicing Wiccan, what is really important is that you keep an open mind when you hear the words Witch and Wicca.


The God and Goddess of Wicca

The God and the Goddess of Wiccan belief are compared to the Taoist yin and yang. They are the life forces of nature. The Goddess is sometimes seen as the symbol of the “Earth,” and sometimes the Goddess is considered to be manifested as the “Moon.” The God is known as the “Sun.” The gods and goddesses are not regarded as natural persons but as symbols of power. God and Goddess represent cosmic powers that are used in the creation of spells.

The Triple Goddess

Triple GoddessThe Goddess is called the Triple Goddess, and she carries the properties of the mother or the maiden. She is also called the Moon Goddess because of her relationship with the moon. In some covens, the Goddess is worshiped, but God is not worshiped at all. He is considered the lover or child of the Goddess. If you had asked Gerald Gardner, he would have said that the current deities involved with Wicca are the same as the gods of prehistory in the British Isles. These gods and goddesses were the Horned God and the Great Mother, respectively.

The Horned God

Horned GodThe God involved with Wicca is known as the Horned God. He relates to sexuality, wilderness, hunting, nature, and the cycle of life. He is known by different names, particularly Atho, Pan, Karnayna, Cernunnos, and the Sun God. The Horned God is celebrated at Litha, taking place at the summer solstice. In general, he is depicted as the Oak King or the Holly King and presides over the seasons of summer, spring, fall, or winter, depending on the king involved.

Together, the great God and Goddess are considered part of the godhead, a pantheistic deity. This deity covers the entire Universe and is, in fact, the entirety of the Universe.

The afterlife is something Wiccans believe in, although many believe in reincarnation as part of one’s experience in the afterlife.


Wicca and the Threefold Law

The threefold law is a principle commonly found amongst people who practice magic. It is prevalent, especially amongst Wiccans but has become known to a much wider variety of spellcasters of the real world. In essence, the threefold law is designed to encourage practitioners to think ethically before working any kind of magic or casting a spell. This is done by the simple idea that whatever you do will come back at you in triple strength. Always keep in mind the more kindness and love you put out there, the more that is what will be magnified and returned to you. And also, remember that the same applies to evil actions; they too will come back to you three times stronger.

The threefold law is mainly used as a deterrent against the use of black magic or malicious undertakings in general. However, it should be remarked that anger has a place in the world, and often there is some valuable truth to be gained from any and all of the so-called negative emotions. Wicca is all about creating positive energy and vibrations that are released into the Universe, where the forces of nature direct the spell on its course.


The Wiccan Rede

The “Wiccan Rede” can be described as a statement that provides an important moral system for the Wiccan religion. These systems are also applicable to other faiths, especially for other positive nature-based religions. The common Rede says, “An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will.” The origin of the word Rede can be traced back to Middle English; and means’ counsel’ or ‘advice’ and is related to the word Rat from the German language.

The above-mentioned Wiccan Rede is considered the initially published couplet and quoted by Mrs. Doreen Valiente in the early years of the 1960s. Several versions have been published, containing variations from the original text. Some of them include “And it harm none, do what ye will,” “that it harm none, do as thou wilt,” etc. This means that you can do whatever you want, provided no harm is caused to anybody.


Witchcraft and Wiccans

Witchcraft and WiccansThrough witchcraft, Wiccans aim to serve nature, the earth, and the entire Universe. Serving her does not mean merely praying and chanting incantations. They go all out in protecting the animals, recycling, resorting to eco-friendly means to combat pollution, and so on. It is a religion that implies common sense and does not believe in imposing its beliefs and culture on everyone. Every Wiccan is free to have his own perspective on the religion and practice as he wants.

In the art of witchcraft, the witches strongly believe in the principle of retribution which signifies that any harm or wrong done by you will come back to you in consequences that will be threefold the magnitude of your actions. And they take this pretty seriously.


How to become a Wiccan

The best way to follow the Wiccan path is to find a local coven and see if you can become a member. You may also want to join online groups where you can meet other Wiccan practitioners from around the world. As you learn more about spell casting, spiritual development, and elements of magical working, you may decide to form your own coven or even work for a time as a solitary witch. Even if this aspect of your path changes over time, the Wiccan creed and other teachings will be there for you to work with over time.

Many people who read the Wiccan Rede are often inspired by it, and other practices ensure Wicca remains an ethical, healthy form of witchcraft. In fact, even if you are dealing with dark energies, evil entities, or curses cast by others, practitioners of Wicca wield a level of power that makes all these harmful things look minuscule. If you are interested in a viable form of witchcraft and a community of active followers, then Wicca may be ideal for you.


The History of Wicca

History of WiccaBefore you decide to become a Wiccan, you should learn more about its history and origins.

Before the Neo-Pagans

As you may be aware, Europe and much of the known world were thrown into an abyss of unbelievable darkness during the dark ages. Even though people in the Orient,  Africa, and the Americas were peacefully following their own paths and building vast cultures, European witchcraft was being stamped out, maligned, and systemically destroyed for the sake of money, land, and greed. While very few written records remain, a small group of “neo-pagans” began to recreate spells and other information developed by the druids, Vikings, and other indigenous people. This research formed the basis for modern Wicca.


Origins in Europe

Modern Wicca began in 1954 when Gerald  Gardner revealed his research and invited others to form covens. While Wiccans do not acknowledge a solitary prime figure as leader of the movement, all  Wiccans can trace their coven lineage back to Gardner and his movement in England.   Even though each coven may have a different set of interests or use different variations of spells, the ethical codes and values remain the same.


Coven Lineages and Power

In England, all covens can trace their lineage back to the original Gardnerian coven. Typically, a coven is made up of 13 witches. Depending on the coven, the members may or may not keep their affiliations secret. It is also important to realize that both males and females can be coven members. Most covens have one male and female who act as leaders. These individuals may be referred to as God and Goddess, respectively.


Wicca in the Modern World

There is no question that people who fear witchcraft have done everything possible to try and destroy the Wiccan people and their movement. Interestingly enough, the more ego-bound, power-hungry people try to stamp out Wiccan beliefs, the stronger they become. In many areas of the modern world, Wicca is celebrated as a beautiful spiritual tradition that empowers people and enables them to live good lives. That said, it should be noted that there are still parts of the world where proof of pagan practices and beliefs is sufficient grounds for imprisonment or execution. One can hope that the truth about the value and goodness of Wicca and other forms of witchcraft will ensure the complete restoration of some of the greatest spiritual gifts each human is born with.

When you first start learning about witchcraft, you may feel uncomfortable because you have been told all kinds of lies about using dark forces and evil magic. By contrast, those who practice Wicca can tell you that they have no concept of demons, let alone methods for summoning them. Individuals that want to work with a robust code of ethics for their own benefit or to help others will find Wicca an incredible system of witchcraft. Why not get started today by delving deeper into Wicca?


Wiccan Traditions

Wiccan traditions practiced across the world are varied and different. Every one of the Wiccan traditions may have variations in their spiritual paths. Let us discuss some of the Wiccan traditions.

  • Alexandrian Wicca
  • Gardnerian Wicca
  • Celtic Wicca
  • Dianic Wicca
  • Solitary
  • Kitchen Witch

These are a few types of different traditions practiced in different parts of the world. But, how different the Wicca traditions are from each other, their love and worship of nature and its spirituality is a common thread that binds all of them together.

The Wiccans understand that man is in no way superior or in control of nature and all its creatures and are, in fact, just a tiny fragment of a much bigger picture. Man is not the center of the Universe.


Wiccan Spells and Tools

Wiccan Spells and ToolsYou don’t need to be a Wiccan to cast spells, but it would be prudent to have a Wiccan cast one for you initially. You can also join the faith through a process of self-initiation and vow to comply with the Wiccan Rede, which is “An it harm none, do what ye will”.

Typically, you will find that Wiccan tools range from essentials like bolines and candles to intricate altar cloths and censers. Depending on what you are working on, spells can be short and easy or elaborate rituals that take several days to complete. No matter whether a ritual takes several days or just a few moments, rest assured that you will be moving a great deal of energy to accomplish your goals. As with any other spiritual practice, the more you work with Wiccan tools and spells, the faster and easier it will be for you to manifest desired outcomes.

Each day, we are presented with an endless number of decisions and choices. This includes choosing how we will feel about any given situation and how we will use and direct unseen forces. If you feel that there is more to life than the judgment associated with hexes and curses, then you are sure to appreciate the philosophical basis of Wicca. In fact, even if you know that you will have difficulties with certain people or situations, you can always go to other members of the Wiccan community for help and support. No matter how you look at it, Wicca offers truly amazing tools as well as a community that can easily help you remain faithful to your consecration and dedications.


Understanding Wiccan Spell Casting

Wiccans begin spell casting by first reflecting on their intentions and the consequences and repercussions of the spell. Every possible angle is looked at to ensure that the spell is good and pure. The fundamental principles of Wicca are moral and wise teachings. These are guidelines for everyone to share life and embrace nature without causing harm to others. Particular colors of candles are used in different Wiccan spells. White candles are usually used for good luck, orange for creating opportunities in life, green for wealth, and pink for love-related issues. Black candles are used to ward off evil and any negative forces.

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When spell casting, Wiccans only believe in creating positive energies, which is why a person’s conscience should be clear before working on any spells. Negative energy only blocks the magic from producing positive results. Wiccan love spells can be cast for many reasons. Some common spells are finding new love, enhancing an existing relationship, attracting a specific lover, rekindling lost love, finding a soul mate, and even healing a broken heart and finding closure. The love spells are potent and can even be more when cast by the person who desires the outcome. All it takes is patience, desire, and determination, which create magical energy to make the spell effective. Please also refer to our In-depth guide to love spells, as it contains very helpful information about casting love spells and making them work.

Remember, Wiccan love spells must be cast to benefit all parties involved and always for the greater good. These love spells usually include the use of herbal ingredients that help in the process of spell casting. The spell has the power to make the target more aware of you and creates positive energy to influence both partners.

Contrary to popular belief, Wicca cannot be used to hurt others. While you can ask to banish, block, or remove harmful people and situations from your life, the methods used will not do so in a harmful way. For example, if you cannot stand a co-worker, Wiccan practices might be aimed at helping that person find another job. Individuals that want to see others suffer may find it difficult to accept this aspect of Wicca. On the other hand, as you learn to overcome these challenges, you will also be amazed at how many new and wonderful things come into your own life.

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