Home SpellsLove SpellsAttraction Spells Moon Love Spells – Using the Power of the Moon for Love

Moon Love Spells – Using the Power of the Moon for Love

by Cassandra McCord
Published: Updated: 74.6K views

Magic moon, Clair de Lune, Shine on the lover of my dreams, Light up a pathway Leading her straight to my arms, Send down your lovelight, Magical queen of the night.

The lyrics of this song justify the mood of the quintessential romantic and his belief in the magical powers of the moon. Many of us wouldn’t mind walking to the moon to find true love. Although this may not be physically possible, it is possible to seek the assistance of the moon’s energies to help you find true love or even mend a broken relationship. Yes, moon magic does exist. The bright, powerful rays of the full moon can do wonders by transforming your love life. The moon has always had a charm of its own and uncanny powers that have been the guiding force behind many romances. For some, the moon brings on various emotions, with passionate love and affection being the most popular.

The moon is traditionally known and understood to be a female entity – and who better to understand your romantic yearnings than the beautiful Moon Goddess? Moon love spells are influenced by the Moon Goddess and the mystical pull of the tides to turn the heart of your lover toward you.

Timing your Moon Love Spells

Moon Love Spells have been part of Wiccan traditions for ages and are highly effective. Sometimes, you have to wait for the proper moon phase before you can cast your spell, but the wait is well worth it. Remember the phase of the moon, the ingredients and tools, and the rituals performed are the critical factors that influence the spell’s outcome. Love spells cast during the proper moon phase can alter the course of your relationship by harnessing the proper lunar energies. Never underestimate the power of moon magic, there are many ways how you can incorporate these potent lunar energies into your spells.

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The Best Moon Phases for Love Magic

  • Full moon love spells are usually cast by those looking for a new partner or to return a lost partner. The moon is a source of light and darkness; that is why full moon love spells are so forceful. If you desire a person passionately and sense true love and not just infatuation or obsession, then spells cast during full moon phases are the most powerful.
  • The waxing phase of the moon is the time to cast love spells to strengthen the bonds of an existing relationship.
  • The waning phase of the moon is reserved for undoing spells that are no longer needed, which is why no moon love spells, with the exception of Break-up Spells, are cast during this period.
  • The moon in Taurus is the best time to cast spells for relationships going through turmoil. This period increases the efficiency of the spells.
  • Spells are rarely cast during the three nights before New Moon. The energies are uncertain during this period.


How to Cast Moon Love Spells

If you desire to cast moon love spells, then the first thing you need to have is patience. As you realize, spell timing is the essence in casting moon love spells; therefore, you may need to wait a few weeks or more until the timing is appropriate. The ingredients you need will depend on your specific needs. However, the important thing is to gather a few personal items belonging to the person you would like to cast a spell on. A photograph, writing, or a piece of clothing will help channel the energies in the right direction, making the spell work much faster. Feel free to add these personal items to the spell instructions listed below. Be creative and follow your heart and intuition.

Moon love spells may often seem odd or wild since they are steeped in ancient pagan traditions. These rituals have been performed for centuries. The most important thing is that these love spells are safe for everyone. Love, peace, and harmony are what you can expect from these rituals with the assistance of the mystical powers of the moon. Let the powers of the moonlight shine bright on your love life and bring you eternal happiness.


Moon Magic Fall in Love Spell

Moon Fall in Love SpellTo be in love is a special feeling that can be treasured forever, but what’s even more remarkable is if that love is reciprocated. Love spells to make someone fall in love with you may open the doors to experience that special feeling. Although it is not always enough to just cast a spell, you also have to believe in love, be open for love, and think positive thoughts throughout the process. If you can’t do that, then don’t resort to magic. Remember, positive thoughts and beliefs attract positive results.

Use the moon’s power to tap into the energies of both the natural and the supernatural realms. Increase the effectiveness of this spell by casting it near a window from where the Full Moon can be seen.

Things You’ll need for the Moon Love Spell

  • One Pink Candle
  • One piece of parchment paper
  • A small bowl with 13 tablespoons of water
  • Rose oil
  • Jasmine oil
  • A fire-safe container or bowl
  • Best time:  Full Moon

How to Cast the Moon Magic Spell to Make Someone Love You

Cleanse and Consecrate the Candle. Anoint the candle with the rose oil, then light it and do so consciously. Remember that fire is one of the elements and has an affinity with the spiritual realm.

Next, lay the piece of parchment paper in front of you. Mix the rose oil and jasmine oil into the water and put the bowl next to the parchment paper.

Take the pink candle into your right hand and hold it up. Open your mind and spirit for the spell. While holding up the candle, communicate your wishes to the moon and universe. Build up as much energy as possible.

Drop 13 drops of wax on the parchment paper and focus on your wishes while doing so.

Dip your fingers into the water and rose/jasmine oil mixture and sprinkle the drops on the parchment paper. Repeat seven times. Once you have communicated your wishes and goals, thank the moon and the universe and blow off the candle.

Burn the parchment paper and throw the ashes into nature right away. This part is crucial because you want to add the potent moon energy to your wish.

Light the candle remains on the following full moon until they burn out. This will seal the spell and increase its power.


Full Moon Spell to Return a Lost Lover

Moon Return Lover SpellUse the power of the moon to return a departed lover to your side. Casting love spells to reunite lovers is not new. This practice has been around for centuries. Some may call it sorcery, and others may call it part of the practice of witchcraft, but no matter what you call it or how it is done, the effect is still the same. And, it is a way for you to get the love of your life back. You don’t want your love to be the one that should have been – you should always find a way to get that love back into your life so you will not have any future regrets.

This spell has to be cast during the night of the Full Moon.

Things You’ll need for the Spell to Bring back an Ex

  • White Candle
  • Pink Candle
  • Silver or Grey Candle
  • Myrtle Incense
  • One Moonstone
  • One Rose Quartz
  • Dried Rosemary
  • Dried Basil
  • Ground Cinnamon
  • One sheet of paper
  • Pencil without an eraser.
  • Cauldron
  • Matches or Lighter

How to Cast the Full Moon Spell to Return a Lost Lover

Begin the ritual by cleansing and consecrating the candles. Gather all the materials and cast your circle. If you can do the ritual outdoors under the moonlight, please do so. It can also be done in a room with a window where the moon can be seen. This will add potent lunar energies to your spell. Light the candles in the following order: white, pink, silver, and do so consciously. Remember that fire is one of the elements and has an affinity with the spiritual realm.

Light the incense and lay the paper in front of you. Next, take the rose quartz and pass it over the flames of the white, pink, and then the silver candle. Then pass it through the smoke of the incense. Do the same for the moonstone. Place the rose quartz on the left side of the paper and the moonstone on the right.

Sit down and write your name and your loved one’s name on the paper. Add any specific wishes you may have. The wishes should come from the heart!


Once you are done, take the white candle, hold it towards the moon, and chant:

By the power of the moon light, my heart is pure and open

Repeat seven times, then drop seven drops of wax onto the paper.

Take the pink candle, hold it towards the moon, and chant:

By the power of the moon light, I call your heart to come back to me

Repeat seven times, then drop seven drops of wax onto the paper.

Take the pink candle, hold it towards the moon, and chant:

By the power of the moon light, your heart and my heart reunite for eternity. So mote it be.

Repeat seven times, then drop seven drops of wax onto the paper.

Please fold the paper three times and put it in the cauldron. Set it on fire with the silver candle.

Throw the ashes towards the moon.

Light the candle remains on the following full moon until they burn out. This will seal the spell and increase its power.


Moon Love Spell to Turn a Friend into a Lover

Moon Friendship to Love SpellYou may have been friends for a long time now. You’ve laughed together, you’ve cried together, and you’ve been everywhere together. But you want more. You want to connect with this person not just for a few dates but for a lifetime. With a Moon Love Spell to Turn a Friend into a Lover, you will be able to change the way your friend looks at you. They will see in your eyes the love you’ve been feeling for some time, helping you to not only understand what your true feelings are but also what your true intentions might be.

This Moon Love Spell to turn a friend into a lover is designed to help those already deeply connected to their friend. If you feel like your friend is truly the one you are meant to be with, this spell will help the other person see your intentions and finally understand how you feel. You will be able to touch them, and they will recognize your feelings and reciprocate them, maybe for the first time. It makes it possible for you to start a new chapter of your relationship, one filled with love, joy, and happiness.

What you will need for the Spell

  • Three white candles
  • Two pink candles
  • Rose petals
  • Toothpick, pin, or athame
  • Lavender Oil
  • Best time for this Spell: Full Moon

Doing this spell outdoors in the moonlight will be extra potent; otherwise, perform the ritual indoors in a room by a window showing the moon.

Begin the ritual by laying out the rose petals in the shape of a pentagram. Next, use the toothpick, pin, or athame and carve a heart in each of the five candles. Above the hearts, carve your friend’s name, and carve your name below the hearts. Anoint the candles with lavender oil.

Place the candles in the five points of the pentagram as shown in the diagram.

Moon Love Spell DiagramLight the candles and sit down. Lift your hands, palm side up towards the moon, and say the following:

With the power of the moon,

the lunar energy I draw

to send to you dear [enter name of friend]

Come to me with true love and desire

With the power of the moon

Come to me really soon

Now take the top white candle, show it to the moon and say

With the power of the moon,

the lunar energy I draw,

With the power of the moon

Come to me really soon

Repeat with each of the candles (clockwise).

Once done, just sit for a while and communicate your wishes to the moon. Open your mind and spirit for the spell and build up as much energy as possible.

You will know when it is time to stop. Snuff out the candles and throw the rose petals towards the moon.

Light the candle remains on the next full moon until they burn out. This will seal the spell and increase its power.


The Benefits of Working the Moon Love Spells

You may be seeking a powerful spell because you feel that you are losing someone special or that your love for each other is growing stale. Or perhaps you have grown tired of waiting for that special someone to enter your life and are looking for a moon love spell to enrich your life by leading you to the person destined to be your partner for life. Taking advantage of the mystical forces of the moon phases is one way to increase success with love spells.

Moon Love Spells Harness the Power of the Night Skies

Ancient religions and magical traditions recognized the moon’s powerful guiding influence and magic. This is why so many different belief systems still rely on the moon’s power to enhance their energy. Think about it – the moon has enough energy and strength to cause the tides to rush forward and recede, changing the face of the earth itself. Naturally, harnessing this incredible potency for love spells will increase the potency of your magic.

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