Home SpellsLove SpellsAttraction Spells Obeah Love Spells – How to Use them and make them work

Obeah Love Spells – How to Use them and make them work

by Houngan Jean-Philipe
Published: Updated: 67.6K views

When it comes to resolving romantic matters, you may find yourself thinking that only the most powerful things on earth will help you get what you want. Since Obeah practitioners are considered some of the most powerful spellcasters in the world, your answers may be found in Obeah love spells.

While it is not usually ideal for novices to cast these spells, you can still think about some of the fundamental elements and how they apply to your own situation.

A Commitment to Having What You Think You Want

Consider a situation where you are interested in someone that barely knows you exist, or worse yet, plainly doesn’t want a romantic relationship with you. Within the context of the Obeah religion, all good things come from love, which is the primal source of energy. Therefore, it can be tough even to imagine true and healthy love in your life when you are not loved in return.   Contrary to priests from other spiritual systems, someone that practices Obeah will take steps to bind another person to you, even if it takes a bit of extra convincing at higher levels. This is just one of many reasons why there is no undoing an Obeah love spell. If you ask for one, you should be committed to accepting all the changes that will come with it.

Understanding Darkness as the Root of Love Problems

It is imperative to examine your commitment to having love in your life, as well as the things that seem to be holding you back. For example, if you feel obligated to stay in a specific situation, an Obeah love spell may force you to become free of that before you finally receive the love that you wanted in the first place. While driving out darkness can be a difficult process, you must always remain focused on having more love in your life and accept its blessings. In some cases, you may be truly surprised at what that actually winds up meaning.

Spirits that Will Help You –  For a Price

Obeah SpiritsIf you plan to ask the Orishas or spirits in Obeah for help with a romantic situation, you will need to find one that will work on your behalf. Typically, you will have to give the Orisha some form of energy as payment. While this may be in the form of a dance dedicated to the Orisha, it may also be burning a candle or even sacrificing an animal. In general, when working on complicated matters, you should only rely on an experienced Obeah spell caster to work on your behalf. This will help prevent a number of offenses that can easily be caused when you aren’t prepared to be in the presence of these spirits. Even communicating your desires will be much harder without question when you do not know the full extent of customs and ways of the spirit you want help from.

Each time you become romantically attracted to another person, you are sure to feel like that person is the ultimate love of your life.   At the same time, if the other person does not feel the same way, you may feel like absolutely nothing will remove any number of impediments to all the happiness you deserve. When you feel this level of conflict and need, it may be time to seek help from a practitioner of Obeah. Besides offering the most powerful spells in the world, spending time with an Obeah priest may help you follow a path that will provide far more benefit than you would from working with another tradition.

Ancestral Matters

Obeah AncestorsWhile ancestral spirits may have only your highest good in mind, the tragedy of one break up after another over hidden things can be very frustrating. Many people who experience problems in their relationships are often amazed to learn that their ancestors have an enormous impact on the energies surrounding the situation. Aside from winning the assistance of your ancestors, the Obeah priest can also ask those who are causing harm to reframe their energetic signatures in your life.   No matter whether your ancestors placed an impossibly high ideal on racial, religious, or some other compatibility, you can rest assured that the Obeah priest will resolve these matters during the spell casting for your personal needs.


Duration of Commitment

When you’ve been through a few relationships, it can become much harder to be certain about whether or not a new relationship is one you want to be in for the rest of your life. In that sense, even though breakups can be very painful, the fact that they happen may give you the freedom to explore relationships while you wait for a perfect partner to appear. By contrast, when you ask to have an Obeah love spell cast, there will not be a way to send back what you get, let alone have the spell undone. This is a very complex process of undoing an Obeah spell. Therefore, if you have even the slightest doubt about who or what you want, it is best to avoid having an Obeah love spell cast on your behalf.

As you learn more about casting love spells, you will soon realize that magical rituals are very much about removing obstacles to any given goal. Interestingly enough, Obeah love spells derive much of their power from the fact that the priest makes a complete survey of the ancestors. Once the concerns of the ancestors are understood, it becomes much easier to move the energy of love in more appropriate directions. At the very least, if you have not gained any luck with other types of love spell casting, you may want to see if the ancestral focus found in an Obeah ritual can be of some help to you.

DividerCasting Obeah Love Spells

Even the best of relationships can have troubles. And, sometimes, a touch of a love spell certainly wouldn’t hurt the situation! Obeah Love Spells are complex to cast but a powerful and effective way to solve complicated love-related problems. Obeah is closely linked to Voodoo, but it is less popular than the latter. Both originate from Africa, but Obeah does not carry the negative perception of Voodoo.

Obeah is considered as both white and black magic. It is known to be a form of folk magic that was derived from Central and West African traditions with strong Christian influences. The name Obeah is notably referred to as spirit; it also denotes physical objects such as talismans and charms used by the Obeah-men or Obeah-women.


What Obeah Love Spells can Do for You

When cast by a skilled practitioner, Obeah spells are considered very powerful. They should never be taken lightly, as the spell’s power is nothing to be trifled with. You should turn to Obeah only if you have great need and desire to see something happen to your advantage, and only when you have exhausted all other options and are prepared for a successful spell that you must deal with when the spell comes true.

Obeah love spells work incredibly well on reuniting couples and fixing a broken relationship. It is said that the spell is meant to restore previous emotions of love and connection. It will also eliminate negative emotions that may have led to indifference and separation. The benefits of this type of love spell are to drive commitment once again, win back lost love, and have both parties desire to mend the broken relationship. Some even say that Obeah spells are stronger than one’s free will. They revive old emotions and cooperation and instill the strong wish and desire to reconcile and iron out problems.

Obeah love spells can last a lifetime, so you need to be very sure of your intentions. If you change your mind later, you will need to do another spell to break the love spell and push the person away.


What Makes Obeah Spells so Powerful

The West Indies, Jamaica, and Trinidad-Tobago are steeped in the magic and wonder of Obeah, a form of Voodoo that is incredibly strong. These regions have developed Obeah love spells over the years that are extremely powerful and binding. If you have lost hope that your personal life can ever be fulfilling or happy, you should try one of the many powerful and concentrated Obeah spells that are now available.

The strength of Obeah comes in part from the intense training of Obeah spell casters. Because any spell cast using Obeah magic calls on certain spirits, called Orishas and Deities, to harness and direct their power. No one should try Obeah magic, who isn’t thoroughly trained and familiar with the many aspects of each spirit’s value and tendencies. Misuse or miscasting of Obeah love spells can cause the spells to backfire.

Obeah draws its power from its personal and unique nature. That is why; the ingredients that go into one person’s love spell may not be the same for another. Moreover, there are different spells for different purposes. For instance, the spell for finding a soul mate is not the same as that for making a past lover come back to you. Obeah is known to be the purest and the most sacred form of magic, and it comes from invoking the spirits of the dead and the powers of the Deities and Orishas. The Obeah-man or Obeah-woman will call upon the spirits of dead ancestors, especially those who loved and cared for you in the past, and they, in turn, will help you find your love in the present time.


Easy Obeah Love Spell for you to Cast

Easy Obeah Love SpellOne spell that works involves taking a shower without soap and taking care to wash your face seven times. Wipe from your chin to the back of your head and dry off carefully. You should only wear white clothing without any jewelry.

Think about your loved one and concentrate on the future you and the other person will have together. Make sure the phone is turned off, and you have no distractions. You need many ingredients, including seven rose petals, seven drops of rose oil, seven seed kernels, a stone from their garden or near their house, a ring of silver or non-gold metal, seven of your plucked hairs, a plant leaf, a thin rope or thread, thin paper or cloth bag and a flower-pot with some soil. Have a picture of the person and an item they have touched.

Roll the hairs into the leaf. Tie it up with the string. Put the item in a paper or cloth bag. Put the seven rose petals on top and the picture of the person. On top of that, please put the item they have touched and the stone from their garden. Close the bag so nothing can fall out, and put the bag in the flower pot. Cover it with soil and plant the seeds in the soil. Drip the rose oil on the dirt and place the pot in the sun. Water it seven times per week, and when the plant begins to grow, your lover will come to you.


Obeah Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love with You

Obeah Spell to Make Someone Fall in LoveCasting spells to make someone fall in love with you are the most requested love spells. Once the potent energies of this spell have been released, you will become the object of their desire. When you walk into the room, your lover will turn to look at you.

First practiced in West and Central Africa, Obeah is a powerful spiritual and magical path that still has much to offer. Today, Obeah thrives in the Caribbean, where it has flourished since it first arrived with captives brought to this region during the international slave trade.

Things You’ll need for the Spell

  • A picture of your lover or something your lover has touched—examples: a piece of paper, a piece of clothing, a pen, etc.
  • A Picture of You
  • A Piece of Parchment Paper
  • A piece of black yarn
  • A pink candle
  • One toothpick

This ancient spell has been passed down over centuries and has been proven to be one of the most effective Obeah spells you can find to make someone fall deeply in love with you.

How to Cast the Obeah Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love

With a toothpick, engrave your name as well as your lover’s name into the candle wax.

Light the candle, hold your hands over the flame, and repeat the following chant three times:

Stepitali Melutasi Rabubo Ro Ro (name of your lover) Stepitali Melutasi Rabubo Balika Ro Ro (your name) Hambuta Salika Te Te

Write your lover’s name and your name on the parchment paper with a pencil. Drop wax onto your and your lover’s name until they are covered with wax.

Take your lover’s picture (or the item your lover has touched), your picture and wrap it in parchment paper.

Tie the yarn around it. Let the candle burn itself out.

Put the package under the bed and leave it there until your lover has fallen in love with you.

Once you are happy in love, burn the package.


Obeah Love Spell to Find True Love

Obeah True Love SpellThis Obeah spell can lead you to true love. Its purpose is to draw your ideal lover to you and replace any negativity that may hinder you from attracting that kind of love. Obeah rituals can seem complicated to the uninitiated, but don’t let this scare you off. They utilize a complex combination of chants, spells, charms, shamanistic tools, and talismans to achieve a desired magical outcome.

If you know that your true love is out there, but you can’t seem to find them, you can do this Obeah love spell on your own or have an Obeah-man do the spell for you if you’re unsure of your abilities. Most rituals need the person’s confidence doing them, so you judge what kind of spell you can do. Finding true love is not just luck or good fortune. You can alter that good fortune by performing the ritual as noted below:

How to Prepare for the Spell

You need to prepare for the spell or ritual. Take a shower without soap, and you need to wash your face seven times, wiping from the chin all the way to the back of your head. Dry yourself off carefully and put on only white clothing. Take off any jewelry you might be wearing.

What you will need for the ritual

Prepare the following items and think about your desired loved one while gathering the items. Imagine what a great future you two will have when you find each other. Make sure you shut off the phone and are uninterrupted during the spell. Avoid negative feelings and thoughts.

Gather together thirteen feathers from a white dove, 13 hairs you have plucked out, one fly, a raw egg, a syringe, a green candle, ten teaspoons of green ink, and a teaspoon each of rose oil and jasmine oil. Choose a small mint leaf from your garden or terrace.

Spell Casting Instructions

To cast the spell, you need to light the green candle and tear up the mint leaf into seven pieces. Take the raw egg and blow it out by piercing it with a needle on the top and bottom of the egg and blowing into one of the holes. Seal one end of the egg with candle wax. Mix the mint leaf pieces, the green ink, the rose oil, and the jasmine oil.

Inject the mixture into the remaining hole of the egg. Seal up the second hole with candle wax. You need to bury it at an address of 3, 13, or 33. Dig a hole about four inches deep and bury three feathers and the fly in it. Cover the hole. Walk seven steps and dig another hole.

Put the remaining ten feathers into the hole. Put the egg atop the feathers and cover the egg with the thirteen plucked hairs. Close up the hole you have dug. Step back six steps and jump over the first hole. Keep walking and do not turn around. Forget all you have done, and don’t tell anyone what you did during the spell casting.

You should have your true love appear very soon, and you will be happy forever.

This is just one of the Obeah love spells that works. Try it and feel the power of the spell.


Spell Casters Carefully Control Obeah Love Spells

Fortunately, many of today’s best spell casters have rediscovered the power of Obeah for good. They have spent many years studying the many crucial elements of Obeah magic. It is one of the most focused applications of Occult power known to man and takes dedication, understanding, and a strong tie to the spiritual realm.

Spellcasters who understand the complexity and careful balance of the spirit world can use Obeah love spells on your behalf to get you exactly what you want. While there are many black magic versions of Obeah, this amazing form of spirituality can be used to re-ignite lost passions, reinforce love relationships and clear the path for you if you are pursuing someone special. The key is properly invoking the deities and gaining their favor to work for your interests.


No Turning Back with Obeah Love Spells

Be sure you know what you really, genuinely want before using any of the Obeah love spells. These are some of the most powerful, overwhelming spells in the world; don’t call on them unless you are sure you are asking for what you truly want. Once a spellcaster gathers the needed materials and begins the spell, there is no turning back – you will gain the love you seek, bind that person’s love to you, or move into an essential new chapter in your love life within a few weeks of having the spell cast in most cases! Prepare yourself for the overwhelming love and the chance to be swept away by the passion and a spiritual connection you’ve never experienced before! If you are not ready for Obeah, you may want to try one of our many other love spells and learn more about love magic in our In-depth Love Spells Guide.

Obeah love spells use magical elements of the earth along with talismans and secret power words. Many of the needed elements are difficult to obtain and require ritualistic cleansing and blessing. Proper preparation is an absolute must and is the reason why Obeah love spells should be performed by experts. Experienced spellcasters have harnessed the spiritual realm’s potent forces that have been recognized by a very few for thousands of years. They also know how to use the power of the Deities and working spirits to fulfill your heart’s desires.

If all other avenues have failed and you are sure of what you want, Obeah may be the powerful, mystical boost you need. These spells have been used in the Caribbean, West Indies, and secretly in the United States for hundreds, even thousands, of years with excellent results! Discover the incredible secret of Caribbean magic with Obeah love spells.

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Amit December 17, 2021 - 1:25 pm

What to do if I cant find parchment paper???

yesenia December 21, 2021 - 11:08 am

AMIT, I will reply since the author won’t. A good substitute for parchment paper is plain brown paper bag. Some say it should be torn, not cut, to an appropriate size. I never found that part to matter.

yesenia December 18, 2021 - 11:15 am

Another acceptable substitution is black thread in case it’s easier than finding yarn.

Vic January 5, 2022 - 10:01 am

I don’t know if this means anything but I performed the spell and when I burnt the package a heart shape remnant came out of it. I’m hoping that’s a good sign.

I Love Spells January 20, 2022 - 7:46 pm

Yes, this is an extremely good sign!

Maggie January 11, 2022 - 6:16 pm

Ok so, instead of a tooth pick can I use something like wooden that gets the stuff from under your nails off? and can I use a white candle? and lastly what do you do if the candle burns out by accident and do you have to burn the pictures or can you do something else?

I Love Spells January 20, 2022 - 7:41 pm

You can use any other tool, such as athame, a knife, exacto knife, or anything else that gets the job done. It is recommended not to substitute candle colors or instructions.

Anon February 8, 2022 - 11:50 pm

What if I dont have parchment paper? What will be a good substitute?

yesenia February 10, 2022 - 11:10 am

ANON, Plain brown paper bag.

I Love Spells February 11, 2022 - 7:45 pm

You can also substitute parchment paper with parchment paper that is commonly used for baking.

Maria February 23, 2022 - 11:50 am

If the candle burns out accidentally when pouring the wax. Can you re-light it and let it burn out on its own?

I Love Spells February 23, 2022 - 9:43 pm

Yes, just relight it and then let it burn out!


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