Obeah Reuniting Spell

by Houngan Jean-Philipe
Published: Updated: 30.2K views

With the Obeah Reuniting Spell, there is no time limit on getting your lover back. Whether you broke up a few weeks ago or a few years ago, you can get your lover back with magic. Usually, the reason you broke up will tell you a lot about which spell you need to get them back. If you broke up over infidelity, you might want a spell that will bring back your lover more faithful and dedicated than you ever before. This website can help you decide which Return Lost Lover Spell will work best for your situation.

Obeah is an ancient magical and spiritual tradition first practiced in central and west Africa. It arrived in the Caribbean along with captives brought to the Americas during the international slave trade. This enduring spiritual tradition of proud but displaced people quickly took root in foreign soil and has been thriving in the Caribbean region ever since. Most noteworthy, you can also perform this spell on behalf of another who seeks to regain a lover’s affections. There are many different kinds of Obeah Love Spells; this one is solely suitable to return a lover to your side. If you have different needs, please refer to our In-Depth Love Spells Guide to help you select the correct type of spell. 

Things You’ll need for the Obeah Reuniting Spell

  • A picture of your lover or something your lover has touched (like a piece of paper, a piece of clothing, a pen, etc.)
  • A Picture of You
  • A Piece of Parchment Paper
  • A piece of black yarn
  • A golden candle
  • Honey
  • Crushed patchouli herb
  • Seven coins
  • Piece of gold jewelry
  • Orisha to call upon: Oshun
  • Best day to cast the spell: Tuesday or Saturday

This ancient spell has been passed down over centuries and has a long history of success. It is one of the most effective Obeah spells for returning lost lovers.

How to Cast the Obeah Reuniting Spell

Cleanse and consecrate the candle; click here for details. For this Obeah reuniting spell, it is recommended to anoint the candle with some honey and roll the candle in some Patchouli herb.

Place the candle on your altar and surround the candle with the coins and the gold jewelry.

Light the candle, and put yourself into the right state of mind. It’s essential to be positive and open your heart and soul for the ritual. Your thoughts should be with the lost lover you want to return to you.

Once you are ready, hold your hands over the flame and repeat the following Yoruban chant three times:

Hamilatu Sabitula Stabulo Ro Ro (name of your lover) Hamilatu Sabitula Stabulo Balika Ro Ro (your name) Hambuta Salika Te Te

Write your lover’s name and your name on the parchment paper with a pencil. Drip some wax onto both of your names until they are entirely covered with wax.

While doing so, visualize your wishes and build up as much energy as possible. Take your time; this step is important.

Once you are done, take your lover’s picture (or the item your lover has touched), your picture and wrap it in parchment paper. Tie the yarn around it. Put it next to the candle and let the candle burn out completely.

Put the package under your bed for seven nights, then burn the package and throw the ashes into the wind.

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Mei January 7, 2022 - 7:23 am

Can I use patchouli oil, in place of herb?

I Love Spells January 29, 2022 - 12:54 am

Yes, that’s acceptable.

IMRAN ALI R DHANANI February 9, 2022 - 6:51 pm

How long will it take her to return back ?

Pantera February 20, 2022 - 8:34 pm

Time and patience are the key, you never have a specific time for the spells to do what do you want, is all based on the energy of the world.


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