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Once love dies, we’ve been told; it’s over for good. But when you know in your heart that your love is true, maybe it doesn’t have to die forever. With spells to return a lost lover, you can begin to change your love life, bringing the true love back into your life where you can repair the wounds of the past and begin a long-lasting love affair. The purest love will find its way back, but the process can be much quicker with reuniting love spells.
What Return Lost Lover Spells can do for you
When you fall in love with someone, you give them a piece of your energetic self. You give them a part of you that will linger in their mind and their heart long after the feelings have died. When a love is true, that piece of yourself stays with that person, even if they don’t realize it. With love spells to return a lost lover, you can begin to remind this other person of your feelings for them, of your longing to be with them. In this way, you can begin to encourage them to look you up in the phone book or online. You might find that once you do a reuniting spell, you and this other person magically find each other, even when you thought it was impossible. Or you might find the other’s phone number and have a reason to call, even though you didn’t realize they were in the same town anymore.
With love spells, you can win back lost love, fix a broken relationship, or reunite lovers who walked away from each other. By using positive energy and the force of love itself, the love you once shared does not have to fade away. It can be brought to light once more.
Easy Witchcraft Spell to Bring back a Lost Lover
Casting witchcraft spells to reunite lovers is both a complex and powerful process. Some within the witchcraft community insist that only a specially trained practitioner of this art should cast these types of spells. Others, however, claim that such magic is available to all. Whatever side of this debate you find yourself agreeing with, you can still use this Witchcraft spell to return a lost lover to your side. When performed correctly, this spell can be a powerful tool to bring back your ex.
The importance of the lunar phases in this witchcraft spell cannot be overestimated. The moon’s power is embodied in the form of the Triple Goddess of the full, waxing, and waning moon, one of the primary deities. Her consort, the Horned God, holds sway over all animal life, death, and the sun. This spell channels the powers of both the natural and the supernatural world.
Things You’ll need for the Spell to Bring Back a Lost Lover
- Golden Candle
- Blue Candle
- Pink Candle
- Matches
- Vanilla Incense
- Key
- Garnet
- Heart cut out of cardboard or construction paper
- Sheet of Paper
- Two red roses
- Red Ribbon
- Pen or Marker with red ink
- Best day to cast the spell: Friday in the waxing moon phase
How to Cast the Spell to Return a Lover
Cleanse and Consecrate the Candles (How-to).
Arrange the candles in a triangle fashion, as shown in the diagram. Light your candles in the following order: gold, pink, blue with one single match, then light the incense with a new match.
Write your lost partner’s name on the heart and your name next to it. Place the heart in the center of the triangle and put the key on top of it. Then add the two roses and the garnet stone.

Put the sheet of paper in front of you. Write your lost lover’s name on it and your name underneath. Draw one heart around both names. Now, open your mind and spirit for the spell. Take the golden candle, drip some wax on top of the names, and then repeat with the pink and blue candles. While dripping the wax, communicate your wishes to the universe. Raise as much energy as possible.
Next, please take one of the roses, pull off one petal at a time, put it on top of the paper, and repeat with the second rose. It is of utmost importance that you visualize the reunification with the lost partner during this stage. Think positive thoughts and build up as much energy as possible.
Now, add the key and the heart and put both on top of the rose petals. Drip some wax from the pink candle on it, wrap the contents in the paper, and close it with the ribbon.
Put the package in the center of the triangle and place the garnet stone on top of it.
Chant the following:
With all the powers from above
Come back to me my love
With all the powers of God Thor
Open your heart for me once more
Love me deep from the heart
We shall never part
Love me deep from the soul
Our union shall be whole
With all the powers from above
Come back to me my love
With all the powers of God Thor
Open your heart for me once more
Let the candles burn out, then hide the package in your bedroom until your lover returns. When what you have called comes to you, be sure to thank Divinity and God Thor. Return the package to nature by burying it in the ground in a very sunny spot.
Voodoo Spell to Return a Lost Lover
This Voodoo Spell reignites the love in your partner’s heart that they once felt for you. It allows those feelings to come back to the surface and for them to feel them in their full intensity.
Voodoo is a potent magical and spiritual path for many throughout the world. For many people, Voodoo is a valued way of life. You, too, can make use of the power offered by this ancient religion to change your life for the better.
Although you may believe that you require a long and complicated list of ingredients if you wish to perform an effective Voodoo love spell, this is not necessarily the case. So if your lover has left you and you would like to use Voodoo to draw your partner back into your arms, you may do so by casting this easy spell.
How Voodoo Works
Voodoo works by harnessing the universal energies surrounding you, building up power, and concentrating your own will on the desired outcome. Even if you are not initiated into the Voodoo religion, you can effectively perform this ritual. If you genuinely want your lover to return to you, follow the steps correctly and be sure to imbue them with the power of your focused visualization.
Things You’ll need for the Spell:
- Cinnamon Incense
- Six small red candles
- Piece of Paper
- Pen
- Two silver coins or dimes
- Your lost partner’s left sock (worn) or any other personal item the partner has worn or touched
- Jar with a lid
- One cup of soil from a shady spot where nothing grows or graveyard dirt.
- One cup of water
- Fresh Basil
- One tbsp brown sugar
- One tbsp cinnamon
- Deities to call upon: Erzulie
How to Cast the Spell to Return a Lost Love
Start the ritual by lighting the Cinnamon incense. Tear the paper into seven pieces and write your lost lover’s name on each of the pieces. Write your name on top of your lost lover’s name. Put the papers into the jar. Add your lost partner’s dirty left sock to the jar (or another personal item). Next, add the soil, followed by the coins, the basil, brown sugar, and cinnamon. Last, add the water. Close the jar with the lid.
Shake the jar a couple of times and call upon Erzulie. Ask for all that you wish for. Be honest and forthright. Be clear and operate only in harmony with the universe. Speak to her out loud so that she can hear you. Take the first red candle, light it, and use some wax to stick it on top of the lid. Let the candle burn out.
Repeat the last step on the next five days for a total of six days. After the sixth and final ritual, take the jar and bury it in a sunny, fertile spot.
Be sure to thank both Divinity and Erzulie for your good fortune.
Gypsy Spell to Return or Bind Love to You
Falling in love is easy; staying in love is hard. What’s even more challenging than to part ways and lose your love is the fact that you have to live with yourself every day with a conscience nagging that you didn’t do anything to win them back. Maintaining a good relationship takes work. But certainly, a little magic does not hurt. You can use this Gypsy spell to strengthen a love relationship and bind your partner to you.
The positive energies created from this Reuniting Love Spell can penetrate your lover’s heart and re-invoke true feelings for you. Undoubtedly, this ritual can be highly effective if carried out correctly. Always keep in mind that the intentions behind casting spells should be pure and should not result in negativity. Never bind a lover to you that you are not 100% sure about.
Spell Ingredients
- One apple with no spots or bruises
- A pair of scissors
- One piece of paper
- A handful of toothpicks
- Edible ink sugar
How to Cast the Spell to Return or Bind Love to You
Cleanse and prepare yourself, then create your sacred space. Cast your circle and call the quarters.
Concentrate on your relationship getting stronger.
Cut the apple in half.
Write your name and your partner’s name on the paper with the edible ink.
Cut the paper so that it is the same size as the apple. Then place the piece of paper between the apple halves.
Use the toothpicks to fasten the halves together while reciting the following:
Together we are bound
Me, in love with you,
You, in love with me.
May all our words and actions
Be a reflection of our love.
Blessed Be.
Sprinkle the apple with sugar. The sugar represents the energy of love.
Close the circle and release the quarters.
Bake the apple at 350 degrees until both halves bake together.
While the apple is baking, be sure to take the time to ground and center yourself.
Complete the spell by eating the apple.
Word of warning, a spell of this nature should not be used casually. Before performing this spell, think long and hard if your partner is truly the partner for you. If you decide later that this is not your true love, you will have trouble shaking this person. Binding spells are not easy to break.
Wiccan Spell to Return a Lover
Parting ways is not often the answer for a relationship. It’s hard to part ways, especially if there is still love between the two people in the relationship. Often, it is inevitable, and we cannot help but part ways with the one that we love only to find out that we made a big mistake.
Wiccan spells and rituals use herbs, candles, and crystals to channel the elemental powers and achieve the desired result. Use this Wiccan spell to remove any negativity or mental blocks preventing a lover’s return. Wicca also uses meditation and visualization to open minds and remove negativity. Wiccans use magic as Christians use prayer, so spells and rituals are only a part of this peaceful religion and do not define it entirely.
Things You’ll need for the Spell
- Red candle
- Two golden candles
- Two white candles
- Vanilla Incense
- Vanilla Oil
- Lodestone
- Aventurine
- Malachite
- Small piece parchment paper
- Pencil
- Small nail or carving tool
- Matches
How to Cast the Wiccan Spell to Return a Lover
Cast Your Circle and light the Vanilla Incense.
With the carving tool or the nail, carve your lover’s first name into the red candle, then anoint the candle with the Vanilla oil. Put the candle in the center of your altar and light it. Write your name on the piece of paper. Next, anoint the other candles with the oil and place them on your altar. Put the white candles on each side of the red candle and the golden candles next to the white candles. Put the piece of paper with your name on it behind the red candle and put the lodestone on top. Place the aventurine between the white and the golden candle on the left and the malachite between the white and the golden candle on the right.

Light all the candles, beginning with the red one. Take the red candle into your right hand and hold it up. Open your mind and spirit for the spell. While holding up the candle, close your eyes and communicate your wishes to the universe. Build up as much energy as possible. Focus on your desire for your lost lover to return and to bring back your ex. Try to build up as much energy as you can. This step is crucial, do not rush this step and take your time. Please refer to our guide, How to Make Spells Work, for details.
Once you are done, chant seven times:
So transfer my will, my spell has been heard, as I will, so mote it be.
Let the candles burn out completely.
The Importance of your Intention
Your intention is an essential factor in the practice of magic and is strong enough to affect the outcome of a spell. There a many forms of magic, and some are categorized as white magic or black magic. It is considered white magic when your intentions are positive and align with nature. If your intentions are negative or selfish, and you do not regard your lost partner’s free will, they become black magic. On the contrary, magic is neither good nor bad, no matter what form it is. Only when used to the detriment of another individual does magic, black or white, become evil. If a practitioner performs a ritual with a bad intention, it is magic done with malice that makes it bad.
How a Spell works to Return a Lost Lover
If you’ve ever lost a lover, you may be contemplating on getting them back and wonder if there is a way to fix a broken relationship so that the two of you can be the happy couple you once were.
These types of love spells are so effective because past lovers have a deep connection with one another. The lovers’ hearts and souls were once connected free of manipulation and total free will. Unfortunately, something happened to interrupt that connection, and that’s why you are no longer together. A reuniting love spell can reconnect the lovers’ bond and bring them together, even if one part of the partnership doesn’t have the same feelings right now.
With the help of magic, you reignite the lost love and allow the other individual to fall in love with you even after you have broken up. The magic is put into motion so that all of the problems you used to have will melt away, and only love will remain.
The magical energies will penetrate their heart and soul so that the feelings they once had will return. Any negative emotions and problems contributing to the break-up can be eradicated and will no longer do any harm. The basis of the love will once again be pristine, and you will be able to focus on the genuine commitment to each other.
Recognize the potential of your long-lasting love and work to maintain its beauty and strength. Every ritual demands you to be fully aware of your deep desire to win your lost lover back and move with the sheer intention of reuniting with them. Sometimes the healing of a deep wound may seem to be an impossible task to you, but belief in the power of the universe to heal the foundation of your relationship. Irrespective of how deep the wound is, or whether the split was recent or quite old, the spell to return a lost lover works to reunite lovers, offering them a second chance to restore their love of the past.
Always remember that love is eternal; always hope for the best, regardless of how dark the past may have been. While performing the ritual, remove any negative feelings of grudge you may have for your lost love. It is essential to cast spells with a positive and forgiving heart and mind. See the light, not the darkness. Follow the instructions correctly and without any interruptions from the outside world. Concentrate on the power and strength of the spell to return your lost love and on a brighter future.
Choosing the proper Ritual for your Case
The ritual may vary with the cause of the break-up. You may need to perform it in combination with other spells. For example, if a rival has stolen your partner, you may want to start with a break-up spell. If severe problems have led to the break-up, you should begin with a spell to Remove Relationship Problems. Once energies are working on the root cause of the break-up, follow up with a return lost lover spell. There is no waiting period.
The magic of these spells restores the romance by removing the negative energy surrounding your relationship that may take the shape of grudge, resentment, or anger. It then works on the mind of the lost lover by opening his heart to new opportunities and getting rid of the heartache of the past. The positive energy exuded by the spell reignites the love they had once felt for you and makes them miss you, long for you, and ultimately come back to you.
Free Will and Return Lost Lover Spells
Many arguments and criticisms of spell casting affect how people view return lost lover spells. Fundamentally, it is said that when a spell is cast, the subject of the spell becomes deprived of their free will. In the case of return lost lover spells, these rituals do not manipulate or control the subject’s mind. Spells do not turn people into mindless drones doing the bidding of the practitioner or the spell seeker. Magic works with the energies of everything in the world, and it cannot produce something or make something happen if nothing empowers or energizes it.
Spells to bring back an Ex, work on feelings that are already there and for various reasons like the lack of confidence or fear; these feelings are buried within a person and not acknowledged. It sets the right mood for the growth of love and the intensity of attraction. If there is no attraction in the first place, a love spell cannot conjure a loving relationship. A ritual seeking to bring out feelings of love and goodwill in a person already does something good for the spell seeker. If the feeling of love is allowed to manifest itself and be shown, the person no longer suffers in silence. After all, people have heavy hearts almost always because of love being unspoken.
Hiring a professional Spellcaster
If you have inhibitions regarding casting spells, you may want to hire a professional spell caster or witch. The most important thing is that if you are not confident or lack adequate knowledge of the process of casting spells, it is better to hire an expert. Also, if you are doing it for the first time, hiring a witch or spellcaster would be beneficial. The outcome of the spell casting process depends on many factors that you may not be aware of.
Question for the first spell. Can I use a yellow candle? I dont have a golden candle anymore.
No, this is not recommended. If you need to substitute candles, then please refer to our Candle Guide:
How long should I bake the apple.