Home Reviews Review: Voodooria

Review: Voodooria

by I Love Spells
Published: Updated: 4.3K views

Voodooria is a well-known authentic Haitian-Voodoo spell casting service and voodoo shop. They have a long history of solving even the most challenging and complex problems for their clients.

Voodooria was founded in 2010 by twin Haitian-American sisters Mambo Marie-Brigitte La Croix and Mambo La Marassa Lola Donette. The mambos are also known as the Twin Haitian-American Witches within the spell-casting community.

Their website offers a wide variety of spells, such as love spells, returning lost lover spells, success spells, curses, hexes, protection spells, and even spells for family problems, friendship, beauty, and well-being.

All their spells are offered in two different potency levels. The first option is the Standard Cast which is suitable for most cases. The second option is the Power Cast which is recommended for complicated and complex issues or when extra power is needed.

The mambos make the shopping experience immensely customer-friendly. All their spells are described in great detail and explain what they can do and accomplish. As a client, you pick the spell or spells you need, put them in the shopping cart, and follow the checkout process. During this process, you will be asked to provide names, dates of birth, pictures, and a brief description of your wishes. Once the Mambos have received your order, they will immediately start their preparations and spell-work. The entire process takes from 1 to 4 business days. Upon completion, they contact the clients right away and provide them with all the details about their spell work.

Voodoo is a very powerful practice. If your need is great, and you have severe problems that need to be solved through spiritual means, don’t shy away from Voodoo because of prejudice, myths, and misconceptions. Due to their profound knowledge of Voodoo, and their magical powers, the twin sisters have become some of the most powerful witches available in the world today. There is nothing evil about Voodoo. It has been defined in many different ways, but the most common and the most accepted is that this is a practice of worshipping one God and spirits, as well as angels, ancestors, and saints. This practice is a blend of folk magic and Catholic saint worship, Native American practices, and witchcraft.

One big plus of working with Voodooria is their extensive one-year Satisfaction Guarantee, including free recasts and refunds.

Review for the Mambos from Voodooria.com

Store Name: Voodooria

Store Description: Voodooria is owned by notoriously known mambos asogwe (High-Priestesses) Mambo Marie-Brigitte La Croix and Mambo La Marassa Lola Donette. The twin sisters have profound knowledge of Voodoo and have become some of the most powerful witches available in the world today.

Price range: $170 - $299

Address: 1812 W Burbank Blvd, Suite 10694, Burbank, CA 91506

Telephone: 818-396-6144

Visit Voodooria

  • Selection of Spells and Rituals
  • Effectiveness of Spells
  • Ease of Ordering Process
  • Refund & Satisfaction Policy
  • High Quality Content
  • Mobile Friendliness


True Voodoo for extra potency and fast results! The Mambos are notoriously known for solving even the most complex and difficult cases. Highly recommended.


  • Working with two Mambos aswage
  • Powerful Voodoo magic
  • Highly trained and experienced
  • Large selection of spells and rituals
  • Easy order process
  • Comprehensive Satisfaction Policy


  • Only two strength levels
  • No phone consultations
Comments Rating 5 (4 reviews)

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S. March 27, 2022 - 5:36 pm

Happy with my results


I love Voodooria, and I would like to share my experience with you.

My boyfriend broke up with me in March 2021. He found out that my dating profile was still online where we first met. He believed that I cheated on him, which is true, I didn’t even deny it. I’m not proud of what I did, I obviously made a huge mistake, but I really love him dearly, and I wanted him back.

The problem was that I couldn’t contact him because he had filed a restraining order against me. There was no physical abuse or life in danger. He just wanted to get over me and keep me at bay. I knew I hurt him deeply, and I needed a second chance to prove to him how sorry I was. I needed all the help I could get. When I searched for magical help, I found Voodooria.com.

My case was complex and in need of some severe spell work. I purchased a return lost lover spell and a forgiveness spell. After my spells were cast, my boyfriend reached out to me and stated that he realized how much he loved me and was thinking of me constantly. He said that he came back to his senses and forgave me and that he was willing to give our relationship another chance! Tears of joy, I tell you. I cried uncontrollably and promised him that I would never ever do him dirty again. We are now engaged and have been living together since last month.

If you have similar problems or need help in a relationship, I highly recommend Voodooria. This is certainly not the last time for me to ask them for help.

Claire April 7, 2022 - 9:57 pm

Forever grateful to the Mambos


My boyfriend and I have been together for two years, almost three. In the beginning, I was his everything, but now after we have fought and broken up, so many things have changed. He was very withdrawn from me and did not talk about our future anymore the way he used to. I knew he still loved me, but I understood he had doubts about us due to his fears of commitment and marriage.

I have gone to many people for help, but none could help me until I found Voodooria. It was a life-changing experience.

I decided to buy a commitment spell, and a marry me spell. Six weeks after my spells were cast, my boyfriend Mike showed up at my work unannounced. It was Valentine’s day, and he brought me a huge bouquet of red roses and a box of my favorite chocolate. I was shocked and did not know what to do or say. He got on his knees, produced a fine engagement ring, and asked me to marry him.

We are now a married couple and are expecting our first child. The mambos made all my wishes materialize before my very eyes. I am so lucky I found them. They are the real deal.

I am so grateful for all that they have done for me.

Tim May 20, 2022 - 6:44 am

Justice was served


I was looking for some revenge spells because I needed justice to be served. Someone had done me very wrong and almost destroyed me. There was no other solution but spell work. I ordered two spells from Voodooria, the reap what you sow spell and the voodoo revenge spell. They accomplished exactly what I needed.

Jacky May 31, 2022 - 12:20 pm

Unbelievable miracles


The love of my life told me it was over because he was mad at me about a phone call and letter I wrote him. He has done this “it’s over thing” before, and he always returned. We do not live together, but we have been doing this on again and off again for two years. He said he cares about me and has feelings for me. We only see each other once a week or sometimes even only twice a month. He will not call or come around for 2 to 3 weeks at a time. My gut feeling was right, it turned out that Steven was seeing another woman behind my back. I was heartbroken. I couldn’t breathe, eat or sleep. I was an emotional mess. I cried every day until I couldn’t anymore.

My cousin directed me to Voodooria.com. She swore by them as they have helped her in the past, and they were able to get her husband back after a very bitter divorce.

I checked out their website and bought the Return Lost lover Spell and a Break-up Spell.

Approximately nine weeks after my spells were cast, Steven broke up with the other woman and moved in with me permanently. We got engaged the same month and are now looking for a new home so that we can start our family! The two mambos from Voodooria.com produce unbelievable miracles with their potent and powerful Voodoo spells. Magick is real, and I truly believe.


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