Home SpellsLove SpellsReturn Lost Lover Spells Santeria Spell to Return a Lover

Santeria Spell to Return a Lover

by Houngan Jean-Philipe
Published: Updated: 54.8K views

Santeria is an ancient, earth-based religion that traces its roots to the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria. Spells to Return a Lover are an integral part of this faith, and this magic is not limited to the priests and priestesses who have passed its secrets down through the ages. You, too, can access the power of Santeria love magic to bring positive changes to your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Spells to return a lover are designed to bring an Ex back to your side. You can use this spell if your own lover has left you or if you wish to assist a friend or loved one who has been likewise abandoned. Santeria does not work through coercion or manipulation, and no harm will come to you or your loved ones due to this spell. Santeria works by converting the negative energies that sometimes invade our lives and relationships into positive, life-enhancing energies.

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Ingredients for the Santeria Spell to Return a Lover

  • Nine red Candles
  • Vanilla Oil
  • Charcoal disc or small metal tray
  • One dried rosebud (yellow or orange)
  • Picture of yourself
  • Picture of your lost partner
  • Pink Heart cut out of construction paper
  • Small Brown paper bag
  • Cauldron or fireproof dish
  • Deity to call upon: Oshun
  • The best time to cast this spell is the night from Friday to Saturday.

How to Cast the Santeria Spell to Return a Lover

Cleanse and Consecrate the Candles (Click for instructions). It is best to anoint the candles with Vanilla oil for this spell.

Arrange the candles in a triangle fashion, as shown in the diagram.

Santeria Return Lover Spell


Burn the rose leaves on the charcoal disk or in the small metal tray. Wave both of the pictures through the smoke. Write your wishes, desires, and goals on the back of the heart. Be as specific as possible. Put the heart in front of the candles, your picture to the left, and your lover’s picture to the right.

Light all nine candles in Oshun’s honor, starting with the candle at the top point and then lighting the other candles in a clockwise fashion.

Focus on the pictures and call upon Oshun. Ask for all that you wish for. Be honest and forthright. Be clear and operate only in harmony with the Universe. Speak your wishes out loud so that she can hear you. Take your time, this step is essential, and you should not rush.

Next, take the top candle and drip five drops of wax onto the heart; continue with all candles in a clockwise fashion. While doing so, continue to focus on your wishes.

Once you have completed this step, take the heart, put it in the paper bag, and add the pictures (face-to-face). Put the bag into your cauldron and burn it.

Snuff out the candles, Thank Oshun and Divinity for helping you, and throw the ashes into the wind.

How this Santeria Return Lost Lover Spell works

Because it is earth-based magic, Santeria works by channeling the energies of benevolent earth deities. These energies can open up a person’s mind to the possibilities present within them but have failed to recognize or acknowledge. Santeria works by bringing a person’s hidden desires to the surface, thereby allowing that person to recognize and act upon these long-concealed feelings or emotions. When you use this love spell, you are not tricking or manipulating your lover into returning to you, but only showing your lover that they genuinely do want to return. Make sure to follow the instructions correctly, in order to cast successful love spells, do not rush, and pay attention to detail.

Coven Tips for the Return Lost Lover Spell

  • It is unnecessary to let the candles burn out for this ritual, but you may do so. It is also acceptable to light them during the next couple of days in honor of Oshun until they burn out. Please do not throw them out; either use them for other spells or burn them in honor of the Orisha.

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