Home SpellsLove SpellsAttraction Spells White Magic Spell to Find a True Love

White Magic Spell to Find a True Love

by Cassandra McCord
Published: Updated: 61.9K views

Marriages are to be made in Heaven. That is probably why so many people search for soulmates and life partners, not just a “husband” or a “wife.” True love lasts for eternity. But how will you know where or who your true love is? Surely true love cannot be a trial and error method; after all, it is your heart, emotions, and life that you are putting at stake. Fortunately, we can use the powers of nature and the universe to draw true love into our life. When you use this White Magic Spell to Find True Love, you will work with the power of your mind in concert with the elemental forces found in nature to attract your Soulmate into your life.

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Things You’ll need for the White Magic Spell to Find true Love

  • Pink candle
  • Plate
  • Rose petals or rosebuds
  • Piece of rose quartz or amethyst
  • Scrying mirror or dark bowl filled with water

How to Cast the White Magic Spell to Find true Love

First, prepare yourself. Click here for instructions on how to prepare for a spell. It would be best if you made yourself look as attractive as possible. Shower and do your hair and makeup. Pretend that you are getting ready to go on that first date.

Take all of the ingredients outside with you. Now, cast your circle and call the quarters.

Place the pink candle on the plate and arrange the rose petals or rosebuds around the candle.

Hold the gemstone in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize yourself happy and loved. Focus on what it would feel like to be held by your perfect partner. Try actually to feel their arms around you.

Open your eyes and light the candle. Repeat the following chant:

Someplace where I cannot see

Lives the one who’s right for me

Long I’ve waited, long I’ve yearned

As hours passed and seasons turned.

In this time and in this space

I ask to see my lover’s face

Send to me the match that’s true

Or bring me where I’ll catch his/her view

Attract to me the love that’s meant

The person who is heaven-sent

For good of all and with free will

My wish for love I now fulfill.

Use the scrying mirror or bowl of water and concentrate on seeing if you see the face of the one meant for you.

Coven Tips for the White Magic Spell for True Love

White Magic utilizes deep meditation and visualization exercises, combined with powerful herbs, gems, and candles, to move the flow of universal energy in a favorable direction for your purposes. However, spells and rituals are not all that there is to White Magic. They work much as prayer work in Christianity.

Casting love spells can be tricky. It would help if you never cast a spell on a particular person. You may make them fall for you, but this can actually cause you more problems in the long run. Often people think they have to have a specific person, and a love spell will work. The problems come when you decide later this person is not for you. Breaking a love spell can be difficult. You are better off casting a spell to bring true love into your life. When you do, the universe will send you the person that is right for you, and you will not be interfering with anyone’s free will. 

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1 comment

Melia February 15, 2022 - 7:10 pm

Has anyone tried this spell and seen positive results?


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