Home SpellsLove SpellsStop Relationship Problems White Magic Spell to Fix a Relationship

White Magic Spell to Fix a Relationship

by Cassandra McCord
Published: Updated: 61.4K views

Every relationship has its ups and downs. When you are experiencing troubles with your partner, you can use this White Magic Spell to Fix a Relationship to remove any problems or obstacles that may negatively impact your relationship. White magic allow us to harness the benevolent, positive energies that fill the universe to better our own lives and the lives of those we care for. You can use white magic to attract positive energies to your relationship and drive out the negative energies troubling your love life. Use this spell if you wish to heal a troubled relationship or even just remove any minor problems that have popped up to threaten your happily ever after. Always keep in mind that what the universe grants in a particular situation might not exactly match our expectations for that situation. Refer to out In-depth Guide to Love Spells for more details.

You might think that the problem should be solved in a specific way, and so you might ask the higher powers to offer you a solution that matches your expectations. However, the higher powers might have something entirely different in mind for you. White magic works, but the outcome of a spell might not take the exact form that we were expecting. If you trust that the higher powers can assist you in banishing negativity from your most important relationships, and if you keep your heart and mind open to possibilities, the divine powers will guide you to the tools and resources you need to remove problems from your relationship.

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Things You’ll need for the Spell to Fix a Relationship

  • One white candle that is thick enough to inscribe
  • One pink candle that is thick enough to inscribe
  • Rose oil
  • Pink rose petals
  • Apple blossom incense
  • Matches (made out of wood)
  • Pin, needle, or nail
  • Piece of parchment paper
  • Pink or red string
  • Pencil
  • Best time to Cast this Spell:  Dark or waning moon

How to Cast the White Magic Spell to Fix a Relationship

Cast your circle. Take the pin, inscribe the white candle with your name, and then inscribe the pink candle with your partner’s name. Anoint both candles with the rose oil from the wick to the end.

Light the white candle with a match, then take the pink candle and light it from the flame of the white candle. Light the incense.

For the next 30 minutes, focus on the burning candles. Visualize your situation, how much you wish for problems to resolve themselves, and the harmony and love you want to attract into your relationship.

Next, take the pencil and draw two hearts onto the parchment paper. Take the white candle and drip wax onto on heart while visualizing and focusing on what you will change to improve the relationship. Remember, we all must do our part to make it work, so it’s important that you, too, are willing to do your part.

Once you have covered one heart with wax, snuff out the white candle.

Now take the pink candle and drip wax onto the other heart while visualizing and focusing on what your partner needs to do to improve the relationship. Take your time and think about what you want to receive from your partner.

Once you have covered the second heart with wax, snuff out the pink candle.

Repeat for seven days using the same parchment paper but drawing new hearts onto it during each ritual session.

After the seventh and final ritual, let the candles burn out, put the rose petals onto the parchment paper, and wrap it up. Tie it with a pink or red string and hide it in your bedroom where your partner can’t find it.

Return it to nature once you have received all your results.

The Importance of the Moon Phase for this Spell

Since many relationship problems are more complicated than simply being about love, you need to have a spell that will cover all of the possible layers of your relationship troubles. When working with any spell or ritual, it is very important to make sure that the moon phase is right for the purpose that you wish to achieve. For example, if your focus is to remove problems from a romantic relationship, you would perform your magical work beneath a dark or waning moon. The dark of the moon is an ideal time to banish negative thoughts and circumstances from your life, as such thoughts and circumstances serve to keep you in darkness.

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