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Wiccan Lust for Me Spell

by Wanda Green
Published: Last Updated on 28.1K views

Without lust and passion, the world would literally become an empty place. Use this Wiccan Lust for Me Spell if you wish to enhance your physical bond with your current partner or entice a new partner. A Wiccan Lust for Me Spell will not work to seduce an unwilling partner. This is not the way of Wicca, which never resorts to coercive or manipulative tactics to achieve the desired results. Instead, Wiccan spells and rituals utilize the power of visualization and meditation, coupled with the mystical properties found in crystals, candles, and herbs, to successfully remove negativity and mental blocks that may be preventing the best possible outcome in a given situation.

There is no need to be concerned that the feelings of the lust this spell evokes in your lover are not genuine. Wicca cannot create thoughts or feelings within a person that are not already present to some extent. As prayers in Christianity or Judaism, Wiccan Spells and Rituals for Love help enhance the faith but do not define it.

The love is still strong, but that special spark in the bedroom can start to get dim. This spell will help make your sex life better. If both people are Pagan, then perform the spell together.

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Things You’ll need for the Wiccan Lust for Me Spell

  • One red candle
  • Patchouli essential oil
  • Rose petals, red and white
  • Sensual massage oil (choose a scent that is sexy to you)
  • Sexy underwear
  • Best time: The best time to cast the spell is Friday during the full or new moon.
  • Goddess to call upon: Aphrodite

How to Cast the Wiccan Lust for Me Spell

Bathe first and put on the sexy underwear.

Cast your circle and invite the quarters. Call on the goddess Aphrodite to join and bless you.

Sprinkle the rose petals on your altar and around your circle.

Anoint yourself with the massage oil.

Anoint the candle with the Patchouli oil rubbing from the ends towards the center. Place the candle on the altar and light it. Do so consciously; remember that fire is one of the elements and has an affinity with the spiritual realm.

Visualize you and your partner in whatever positions or fantasies you find sexy. Build up energy and continue to focus on your wishes. Take your time; this part is essential.

When you are ready, repeat the incantation three times:

My body is a temple

Blessed by Aphrodite

My heart is filled with passion

Vibrant, sweet and mighty

Fill my days with loving

And my nights with playful fun

Let moonlight find me naked

Our bodies joined as one

I welcome sex and sensual play

Embracing love’s new measure

Together we will find our way

And rediscover pleasure

Thank the goddess and the quarters and close the circle.

Allow the candle to burn out safely. Hide the rose petals somewhere in your bedroom. Do something to encourage sex with your partner.

Word of Caution

The important thing you must understand is that you cannot cast a love spell against another’s free will. Casting this spell on an unwilling partner indicates your intent to manipulate their behavior, which is against the rules of Wicca. You can cast this passion spell on a willing partner or mention the type of person you would like it to work on.

As long as you are open to receiving passion and lust, this is what will come to you. The magic picks up on your energy that is spread through the universe, so you need to have belief, faith, and good intent for the spell to succeed. If you are looking for more forceful lust spells, then consider these lust spells.

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